Crestron ch5 example

add necessary function after import ch5

import * as  CrComLib from "@crestron/ch5-crcomlib/build_bundles/cjs/cr-com-lib.js";

//necessary function
//necessary function after import CrComLib

ch5-test-example:send digital


first parameter : tell crestron data type n->number(analog)|s->string(serial)|b->boolean(digital)
second parameter : 'index.test1'->is bulid by "ch5 contract edit" you can just use joinnumber
third parameter : the data u send ,analog use number , serial use "string" , digital use true/false

I not sure is has bug or not by use joinNumber , because crestron give us the "ch5 contract edit" ,
I'm not sure is crestron enginner think "hay we can make ch5 like smart object" or "hay joinNumber has some bug on ch5"
so use joinNumber be careful

ch5-test-example:receive data when signal change

const test = CrComLib.subscribeState('s','index.OutLet_1_energy',(value) =>{

first parameter : return data type
second parameter : JoinNumber or JoinName
third parameter : Function(ReturnValue){}

ch5-test-example:receive data when you call - 1

var s1=CrComLib.getState('n','index.test1_fb',0)

the third parameter is default number

ch5-test-example:receive data when you call - 2

var s3=CrComLib.getStringSignalValue('1');
var s4=CrComLib.getNumericSignalValue('index.test1_fb',0)
var s4=CrComLib.getBooleanSignalValue('1',0)

U can just call back Serial or digital or analog Join ,
I'm not sure why has those function , maybe it could make code more "readable" 😂?
first parameter : JoinName Or JoinNumber
second parameter : default return number when is empty or not avarible

if you are first time use ch5 refer this is would be helpful:
