Creating a new repository from local machine using vs code editor and pushing it to github

Create a new repo from my local machine, it does not exist on github right now. we will create it, commit and push all the repo to the github account first write the command line:

> git init


> git status

you see will all the untracked files which is for now you have to stage all the untracked files by the command

> git add .

then write your first commit

> git commit -m "first commit from local repo"

lets push the committed files

> git push origin master

this will show an error because their is no such remote repo in the same name to push the files to, so we have to create an empty file in github and call it ' demo-repo2', then push the files to it using the following command

> git remote add origin

To show the repo changes write:

> git remote -v

Now you can push the files to the remote github repo

> git push -u origin master

this will create a branch called 'master' and push all the files to it.

From now you can write only

> git push

without the need to write origin master because when add the flag -u which means upstream which means push always to the same repo


To show all branches in the repo, type in the following command:

> git branch

To create a new branch, type in the following command:

> git checkout -b feature-readme-instructions

You are switched to work on this branch and if you showed all the existing branches, you will find that this branch is highlighted. Type in git branch again to see.

To switch back to the master branch, type in:

> git checkout master

Local development

  1. create index.html file

Unstaging changes

Type the command git status to see all the modified and new files that need to be statged. You will find index.html is untracked because it is new and the readme file is modified.

lets learn how to unstage the changes but first we need to stage them.

> git add .

To unstage write :

>  git restore --staged .

Working in the new branch

stage, commit and push

Now lets enter to branch 'feature-readme-instructions'

> git checkout feature-readme-instructions

Write git status to check for the modified and new files that need to be staged

Stage and commit all the changes

> git add .
> git commit -m "updated the readme file with all the expliantion  and add index.html"

Now try to push the new branch to github, lets write

> git push

It will raise an error, you have to define the branch as upstream to push files to

> git push --set-upstream origin feature-readme-instructions

or you can write for short '-u' instead of '--set-upstream'

How to delete an branch

creating a new branch, pull request, merge it to the master branch and delete it

Create a new branch and name it 'mytestbranch'

> git checkout -b mytestbranch

Modify the readme file, as I am writing now in it to explain the steps of deleting a branch, then stage and commit

> git add .
> git commit -m "update the readme"

Then push the new branch to github

> git push -u origin mytestbranch

Click on the green button 'compare and pull request' to merge the new branch with the master Write a comment and then click 'merge pull request'

Then to see the merged branch in the local master branch, you have to first change to the master branch and then pull the branch to it

> git checkout master
> git pull

deleting the new branch

> git branch -d mytestbranch

Undoing in git

To unstage the changes

> git reset

To unstage and uncommit the last commit, HEAD~1 means go the commit one step further

> git reset HEAD~1

To see all the commits, type in

> git log

you can see all the commmit and each one has an id you can delete a commit by its id

> git reset id


  1. githowto
  2. Git and GitHub for Beginners - Crash Course-freecodecamp