
Find & Highlight Words in a Webpage (Google Chrome Extension)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • intro m

    • find & highlight the words
  • demo (graph)

  • working environment

    • as a Google Chrome Extension
  • prior statement

    • this project is experimental
  • to_use

    • click icon || @hotkey[!g] -> activate extension (auto focus)
    • click Run Highlight || @hotkey[!k] -> find & highlight the words
    • right click icon > option page -> set default options
    • click on the highlight position marker -> scroll to the found word
    • scroll on the regex word stat table -> scroll to next/prev found word
  • flaw

    • it may not find all words, due to overlapping
    • it may find words that are hidden
    • try not to search on body / div -- its laggy & potential buggy
    • _ the order of matched words _ is messy -- because the way selector works (maybe)
    • I know the On/Off has some issues, could have fixed it in code related to `tabId: tab.id,` / `tabs[0]`, too lazy to do so...
  • installation

    1. download the released .crx file
    2. unzip it
    3. load it as an unpacked extension in Google Chrome Extension Page (under development mode)
    4. (This is not in Google Chrome Extension Store -- I was unable to do so (or, currently))