
Can't create 2 mirrors of different size

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All the mirrors are the same sizes & they copy their size based on idk - randomly chosen mirror from the scene. After that, reflections became durpy in all the mirrors except the randomly chosen one. In short:

Reflection - does resize
Mirrors - does not resize

Your Mirror addon already helped me out a lot & if it will be capable of different sizes, it would be just perfect

The left mirror is the "chosen one" & has correct sizes. The right mirror should be wider, but it copies sizes from the left




Nope, doesn't work


I crated a new godot project for this test

Godot 4.1.1

You are right, there was an issue. It was the same thing as my first guess but on the level of the resources, not on the user's level. I pushed a fix (2bc35b7).

If you could test it so I can be sure it works, I can push this version to the asset store.

Thank you! I'll test it tomorrow

Everything works! Even the movable once!


But now I found another 2 issues ahah

  1. Mirrors reveal the true nature of my bad topology in 3d models. I don't want them to uncover all my secrets!
  2. In the editor after launching Godot project at first time, all my mirrors appear with duplicates

To fix it, I simply reopen .tscn.

The problem appears even in new projects. When I created a brand new project for testing new update & then reopen it, you see what happens:


It also affect all new Mirrors created before reopening scene

Should I create new Issues for this 2 bugs?

I suspect the duplicates are this fix's fault. Unless you can replicate it with a previous version dont open a new issue, just keep this one open.

Regarding the 1st issue about the topology. To me it seems a bit like either transparency sorting issue or maybe LOD issue. Can you try disabling autolod and try again? It could be an issue with using multiple cameras, that only 1 decides the level of detail. But these are just guesses.

Yeah! It totally was the auto-LOD
Thank you


My guess is maybe godot takes the active camera into account when selecting the level of detail. Maybe that is why it happens, but I'm happy it works now.

I can't really reproduce your other issue, so I cant test it. Try moving the 2 new lines that duplicate the mesh to ready from enter_tree, or try setting mesh to null before those 2 lines. I'm on linux, if you are on windows its possible that this is a race condition or some other edge case. If you find a way that is more reliable than it is now, I'm happy to modify.

Hello, once again :)

Ok, for me editor-side problem with duplicated mirrors is not crucial, so I leave it for later.

But I found, that after exporting all mirrors appears to be black
As always, I additionally test all in an empty project:

Before export / After export

No errors in console


Godot Engine v4.1.1.stable.official.bd6af8e0e -
Vulkan API 1.2.142 - Forward+ - Using Vulkan Device #0: NVIDIA - GeForce GTX 1650

Mine looks even more fun. Its weird, I have not seen this issue yet. I will look into it when I have time!


I think I got it. I needed to set the update mode of the subviewport to either parent visible or always. Please test it: ab051bd

Hooray! It works!