
in-class-programming-git-http-server-d3-ddasgupta4 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript


starter code for git activity

→ Click Download or clone and copy the link

→ Now in your machine, create a folder and name it: DS4200 → In the folder DS4200, create another folder called L2

→ For WINDOWS USERS: right-click on the folder L2 and “open gitbash here” ( if you don’t have git, follow instructions below to download it) → For MAC USERS: right-click on the folder L2 and ‘open Terminal here’

→ In gitbash, write command: git clone (paste the link) then ENTER → To navigate into the folder, write command: cd (folder name) → Now check status: git status

→ Navigate to DS4200→ L2→intro-to-git-(your_name) → Have a look at the HTML, CSS and js files. Detailed explanation: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-create-your-first-bar-chart-with-d3-js-a0e8ea2df386/

→ To run these files, we need a Python server. → If you don’t already have Python installed, you need to install it → While installing it, make sure you check the box that says: Add Python 3.7.2 to PATH Refer here if you have doubts:https://realpython.com/installing-python/

→ After installing Python, right click on intro-to-git-(yourname), and open Powershell for Windows or open terminal for MAC → Confirm Pyhon is installed by writing command: python --version (you should get the version number as output) → Run a local server by writing this command: python -m http.server → Wait for the output: Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( …

→ Now open a web browser and type the url as: localhost:8000 → You should see the bar chart

Now, You need to: → Open index.js in a text editor and change the color of the bars from steelblue to red → Save it → Refresh the web browser, and you should see the change

→ Now download this image in the folder intro-to-git-(yourname) folder: http://www.quickmeme.com/img/75/7509f68823389e4af3777ca6d3744c632cc32ab3547bc56e319126aa29ab149a.jpg → Open the index.html file in a text editor (notepad, sublime, vs code etc) → Uncomment the following: