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This is the GitHub repo for all code and schematics created for Northeastern's Electric Racing club.
- Embedded Software: Contains all new embedded code for the Teensy microcontrollers
- Use Platformio (VS Code plugin) for building and uploading software
- To install, follow the directions on this page
- This involves installing VS Code and setting up the Platformio extension
- CAN libraries (must install in Platformio for each project):
- Teensy: FlexCAN_T4
- Arduino: Seeed Studio CAN BUS Shield
- Use Platformio (VS Code plugin) for building and uploading software
- ArduinoCode: Old Arduino code for electrical subsystems, NOT UPDATED
- Required CAN library: Seeed Studio CAN BUS Shield
- To install:
- Open the arduino IDE
- Go to Tools -> Manage Libraries...
- Search "CAN-BUS Shield" and install the associated library
- Schematics: Electrical schematics, created in KiCad, viewable online in or in the desktop client
- Project Manangement: This area has migrated to the NER-PM-Dashboard repo