BigTreeTech Octopus-Pro

Warning for Octopus Pro

  • The voltage of all 8 drives can be selected by the jumper, If the jumper is inserted on the left, the corresponding driver voltage is MOTOR_POWER, it is Main Power if it is inserted on the right. The MOTOR_POWER port maximum voltage supported is up to 60V, the Main Power port maximum voltage supported is only 28V. The all 8 drivers of this motherboard can be used in any combination MOTOR_POWER or Main Power.
    Warning: please make sure that the correct voltage is selected by the jumper In order to use the non high voltage version of the driver (such as: TMC2209, TMC2130, or Non high voltage version TMC5160), otherwise the driver will be burned, and even the motherboard may be burned.

Difference between Octopus-Pro and Octopus V1.0 / V1.1

  1. Support up to 60V high-voltage stepper drivers, and each driver can select the voltage from MOTOR_POWER or Main Power by jumper.
  2. Both NPN and PNP type proximity switch are supported on Probe port(V1.0 / V1.1 can only supported PNP type). The IO of this port is no longer multiplexed with Bltouch, and a separate IO PC5 is used for this port
  3. On board INA826 is modified to Max31865, which supports PT100 / PT1000 and has higher accuracy.
  4. The pin arrangement of raspberry pi header is modified to be exactly the same as raspberry pi. From top to bottom: 5V 5V GND RX TX.


  • The IO of Octopus-Pro and Octopus V1.0 / V1.1 are the same, except the IO of proximity switch Probe port is no longer multiplexed with Bltouch and is modified to a separate IO PC5. Other settings are the same as Octopus V1.0 / V1.1. Please refer to Octopus V1.0/V1.1 here
