Import python libraries over HTTP
Allow you to load python modules from a system, when they are not present
on the system.
Note: written for python 3
Note: The code has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Running dynamic code from a read-only filesystem
- Using non-standard packages on a machine without leaving traces
- Testing code on devices you cannot install packages on
If WebImporter is available on a given system, you can import it as shown below:
import webimport
webimport.register(8000, location='some.http.server', override=False)
The register command takes 3 arguments.
- port (Required): The port to connect to
- location (optional): The host to connect to. Default: localhost
- override: (optional): Try to import from remote first. Default: False
First Terminal
cd /path/to/python/libs
python3 -m "http.server" 8000
Second Terminal
cat webimport/ | ssh -R 8000:localhost:8000 user@some.server 'cat -|python3'