
Automatically Create CNAME records for containers served by Traefik

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Docker Pulls Docker Stars Docker Layers


Dockerfile to build a Container to automatically update Cloudflare DNS records upon container start. A time saver if you are regularly moving containers around to different systems. This will allow you to set multiple zone's you wish to update.

  • This Container uses a customized Alpine Linux base which includes s6 overlay enabled for PID 1 Init capabilities, zabbix-agent compiled for individual container monitoring, Cron also installed along with other tools (bash,curl, less, logrotate, nano, vim) for easier management. It also supports sending to external SMTP servers..



Table of Contents


This image assumes that you are using a reverse proxy such as tiredofit/traefik


Automated builds of the image are available on Docker Hub and is the recommended method of installation.

docker pull tiredofit/traefik-cloudflare-companion:(imagetag)
  • latest - Most recent release w/Python 3 and Alpine 3.12

Quick Start

Upon startup the image looks for a label containing traefik.frontend.rule (version 1) or Host* (version2) from your running containers of either updates Cloudflare with a CNAME record of your TARGET_DOMAIN. Previous versions of this container used to only update one Zone, however with the additional of the DOMAIN environment variables it now parses the containers variables and updates the appropriate zone.

For those wishing to assign multiple CNAMEs to a container use the following format:

  • Traefik 1.x
  - traefik.normal.frontend.rule=Host:example1.domain.tld,example2.domain.tld
  • Traefik 2.x
  - traefik.http.routers.example.rule=Host(`example1.domain.tld`, `example2.domain.tld`)


  - traefik.http.routers.example.rule=Host(`example1.domain.tld`) || Host(`example2.domain.tld`)



File Description
/var/run/docker.sock You must have access to the docker socket in order to utilize this image

Environment Variables

Along with the Environment Variables from the Base image, below is the complete list of available options that can be used to customize your installation. By Default Cron and SMTP are disabled.

Parameter Description Default
TRAEFIK_VERSION What version of Traefik do you want to work against - 1 or 2 2
DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT Docker Entrypoint default (local mode) unix://var/run/docker.sock
DOCKER_HOST (optional) If using tcp connection e.g. tcp://
DOCKER_CERT_PATH (optional) If using tcp connection with TLS - Certificate location e.g. /docker-certs
DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY (optional) If using tcp conneciton to socket Verify TLS 1
REFRESH_ENTRIES If record exists, update entry with new values TRUE or FALSE TRUE
SWARM_MODE Enable Docker Swarm Mode TRUE or FALSE FALSE
CF_EMAIL Email address tied to Cloudflare Account - Leave Blank for Scoped API
CF_TOKEN API Token for the Domain
DEFAULT_TTL TTL to apply to records 1
TARGET_DOMAIN Destination Host to forward records to e.g. host.example.com
DOMAIN1 Domain 1 you wish to update records for.
DOMAIN1_ZONE_ID Domain 1 Zone ID from Cloudflare
DOMAIN1_PROXIED Domain 1 True or False if proxied
DOMAIN1_TARGET_DOMAIN (optional specify target_domain for Domain 1, overriding the default value from TARGET_DOMAIN)
DOMAIN1_EXCLUDED_SUB_DOMAINS (optional specify sub domain trees to be ignored in lables) ex: DOMAIN1_EXCLUDED_SUB_DOMAINS=int would not create a CNAME for *.int.example.com
DOMAIN2 (optional Domain 2 you wish to update records for.)
DOMAIN2_ZONE_ID Domain 2 Zone ID from Cloudflare
DOMAIN2_PROXIED Domain 2 True or False if proxied
DOMAIN2_TARGET_DOMAIN (optional specify target_domain for Domain 2, overriding the default value from TARGET_DOMAIN)
DOMAIN2_EXCLUDED_SUB_DOMAINS (optional specify sub domain trees to be ignored in lables) ex: DOMAIN2_EXCLUDED_SUB_DOMAINS=int would not create a CNAME for *.int.example2.com
DOMAIN3.... And so on..

Docker Secrets

CF_EMAIL and CF_TOKEN support Docker Secrets. Name your secrets either CF_EMAIL and CF_TOKEN or cf_email and cf_token.


Shell Access

For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell.

docker exec -it (whatever your container name is e.g. traefik-cloudflare-companion) bash
