
:scream: Evil parallel package downloader

Primary LanguageShell

Concurrent package downloader written in bash/zsh, for macOS, Linux, Android and Windows Msys2.

Inspired by apt-fast and powerpill.

The only dependency is aria2.


on macOS:

brew update
app-fast install vim tmux git
app-fast upgrade

on Ubuntu/Debian/Android Termux:

app-fast update
app-fast install vim tmux git -y
app-fast upgrade -y

on Archlinux/Manjaro/Windows Msys2:

app-fast -S vim tmux git
app-fast -Syu


Just download app-fast and save it to somewhere like /usr/bin/app-fast.

On macOS, you should put it to /usr/local/bin/app-fast.

Make sure you have the permission to execute it chmod +x app-fast.

On Windows Msys2, you should put aria2.exe to your system path first, because Msys2 does not provide aria2 package.

Install for Linux


sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joeky888/app-fast/master/app-fast -O /usr/bin/app-fast
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/app-fast


sudo curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joeky888/app-fast/master/app-fast -o /usr/bin/app-fast
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/app-fast


sudo aria2c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joeky888/app-fast/master/app-fast -d / -o /usr/bin/app-fast
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/app-fast

Install for macOS

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joeky888/app-fast/master/app-fast -o /usr/local/bin/app-fast
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/app-fast

Install for Android Termux

pkg i curl -y
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joeky888/app-fast/master/app-fast -o $PREFIX/bin/app-fast
chmod +x $PREFIX/bin/app-fast

What it does

  • Download packages faster
  • Upgrade packages faster
  • Support macOS homebrew
  • Support Ubuntu/Debian
  • Support Archlinux
  • Support Android Termux
  • Support Windows Msys2

What it doesn't

  • Uninstall a package
  • Search a package
  • Support Archlinux AUR
  • Support macOS homebrew tap
  • Support macOS homebrew bottles like bottles-science and bottle :unneeded
  • Support Ubuntu mirror protocol like mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt
  • Support proxies


  • I don't have any apple devices so macOS port is experimental.
  • On Linux I use sed command, on macOS I use perl command.

Why not apt-fast or powerpill

  • I use it for docker containers and KVMs, only installing packages is needed.


Public Domain