
KendoUI Persian Solar (Shamsi-Jalali) Calendar for Kendo UI

Primary LanguageJavaScript


KendoUI Persian Solar (Shamsi-Jalali) Calendar (version : 2018.1.221)

Separate widgets for DatePicker and Calendar.

kendo.Calendar.fa.js -- kendo.DatePicker.fa.js

Using these files, you can use kendoDatePicker and kendoDatePickerShamsi together and have the English and Persian calendar together.

To use these files alongside the original KendoUI files, first replace the kendo.web.js file on the original file (English version). Then use the two files kendo.Calendar.fa.js and kendo.DatePicker.fa.js in the same way as in the sample file (sample.html).

For see sample and how to use please check :"sample.html".

For download old versions please see "releases" section (https://github.com/MahdiNosratian/KendoUI-Persian-Calendar/releases).