
Gloomhaven Simulator for AI

Primary LanguagePython


Gloomhaven Simulator for AI

Launch Process

  1. Launch Game Orchestrator

    • Select Game (i.e., Gloomhaven)
    • Select Party Composition
    • Update Party
      • City Quest (if applicable)
      • Leveling, Items, Perks, etc. (as applicable)
      • Select Ability Cards to Use
      • Update Attack Modifier Decks (due to items, perks, etc.)
    • Select Scenario
  2. Launch Scenario Orchestrator

    • Perform Road Event (if applicable)
    • Load Scenario (maps, monster info, treasures, traps, etc.)
    • Load Party into Scenario in Parallel Threads (one per player)
      • First-come First-serve starting position selection
    • Run Scenario (WHILE LOOP)
      • Start Turn
        • Parallel Player Action Selection (Cards from Selected Deck || Long Rest)
        • Join Parallel Player Threads, Draw Monster Ability Cards and Order Actions in Initiative order
      • Execute Turn (sequentially)
        • End Turn for Each Player upon completion (removing effects as appropriate)
          • If Long Rest - untap items appropriately and return discarded ability cards (losing one)
      • End Turn
        • Update Elements Board
        • Allow each Player to Short Rest (optionally)
    • End Scenario
      • Update Gold (based on coin collection)
      • Update XP (if Scenario successful)