Pinned issues
- 0
- 1
Add leetcode.nvim to available plugins.
#468 opened by Elias-Ainsworth - 2
Error when trying to set a theme in v0.7
#463 opened by luravoid - 1
- 4
- 1
- 2
Support tiny-devicons-auto-colors.nvim
#307 opened by uncenter - 1
Add typst-preview.nvim
#429 opened by deviantsemicolon - 10
Lazy.nvim as a module to allow lazy plugin loading
#207 opened by Petingoso - 2
#434 opened by Nowaaru - 5
Fails to build on NixOS
#441 opened by AlephNought0 - 3
Nix newbie question... default configuration?
#435 opened by cratedev - 4
Colorizer not attaching to buffers
#433 opened by Jappie3 - 11
- 1
optPlugins causing build to fail
#415 opened by Amanse - 3
Unintuitive Default for leap in v0.7
#409 opened by Soliprem - 2
Alternative snippet plugins
#332 opened by horriblename - 9
vim.maps rewrite
#304 opened by diniamo - 1
Completion rewrite
#398 opened by diniamo - 2
assistant Codeium
#396 opened by C4E5G3 - 0
Elixir-Tools Not Playing Nice
#400 opened by C4E5G3 - 0
Add support for base16 theming.
#270 opened by rice-cracker-dev - 2
Statusline Theme
#392 opened by C4E5G3 - 1
Embeded link to docs in readme is broken.
#394 opened by ShadowReaper420 - 2
Pin neovim version
#206 opened by NotAShelf - 1
nvim-code-action-menu deprecated (and broken)
#342 opened by horriblename - 2
Set undofile from the module
#331 opened by Soliprem - 26
Build failing after updating nixpkgs-unstable with `ln: failed to create symbolic link '/nix/store/...-vimplugin-treesitter-grammars/parser/': File exists`
#368 opened by uncenter - 4
Fails to build when Typst is enabled
#357 opened by Soliprem - 9
- 5
- 0
HM//NixOS module can't merge lists
#328 opened by diniamo - 0
Smartcolumn error message when opening a file where it's triggered if the snipped I marked with # FIXME is uncommented
#312 opened by Soliprem - 0
Add ts-error-translator.nvim to `ts` support module
#308 opened by uncenter - 1
Enabling colorizer.sass breaks generally everything.
#282 opened by Nowaaru - 2
- 3
Null coercion error when setting mappings to null
#281 opened by Nowaaru - 5
- 3
Opening big javascript files makes neovim laggy and it freezes completely
#244 opened by justchokingaround - 0
ccc custom mappings (probably?) don't work
#240 opened by horriblename - 6
Plugin mappings have a higher "description" priority than manually-set mappings.
#221 opened by Nowaaru - 1
"Folder" option for vim.maps
#222 opened by Nowaaru - 3
3rd/image.nvim support
#223 opened by Nowaaru - 7
Telescope live_grep is ignoring gitignore
#216 opened by clord - 1
update fidget.vim
#210 opened by NotAShelf - 3
- 2
- 1
- 1
maximal configuration is broken
#199 opened by NotAShelf - 1
chadtree support
#189 opened by jacekpoz