
Custom commands written for Not Awesome 2

Primary LanguageC#


Custom commands written for Not Awesome 2

How do add them to my server?

  • Place the .cs file in extra/commands/source folder.
  • When writing [command name], don't include "Cmd".
  • Use /compile [command name]
  • Use /cmdload [command name]


Adds /adventure, which is a quick shortcut for using /map buildable and /map deletable. Can be used by operator+ in any world or by anyone in their /os realm.


Adds /boost, which allows you to boost the player's velocity in a given direction. See /help boost for more information.


Adds /replacevars, which is like /replace but automatically replaces all of the matching slabs, walls, etc.

Wait, that's it?

You can find more commands in plugins in other repositories here.