##OctoFarm Developement Testing Environment Scripts WIP
This is currently a work in progress script to setup a boat load of OctoPrint instances for your OctoFarm development environment.
- Allow easy creation of OctoPrint instances
- Setup a pre-created default configuration for OctoPrint. - Done
- Login Credentials - Username: octofarm, Password: octofarm, Application Name: OctoFarm, APIKEY: 3990421DF6624F3986C04EFF4C2100AF
- Dump a compatible import file for OctoFarm. User may also use the Scan function, and paste in the APIKEY
- Allow the input of GitHub personal access token to stop rate limit issues with OctoPrint Update/Plugin installations - Only works on 1.5.0+
- Stagger the boot of the installed scripts, anything over 20 instances seems to destroy the CPU and causes failed starts on random instances.
- Add option to input straight into your developer instance with OctoFarm's API instead of with the import file generation.