Distant Seas is a Dalamud plugin that aims to improve Ocean Fishing:
- Automatic, context-aware bait suggestor
- Recorder of events of each boat you're on
- Achievement & point tracker
- A global point leaderboard
Distant Seas uses the Ocean Fishing Data spreadsheet (from the Fisherman's Horizon Discord server). This data is parsed by the DistantSeas.SpreadsheetSpaghetti project into JSON files used by the plugin.
The sheets are parsed with tab-separated values, which do not contain color or image information. To fix this, a custom copy of the sheet is maintained by the creator (Tyo'to Tayuun) replacing them with text equivalents. Thank you!
Note that the SpreadsheetSpaghetti project is incredibly unoptimized - using up to 400MB of RAM and allocating several gigabytes of memory in the small object heap. I wrote it in a rush to get the parsing code working, and plan to revisit and clean it up eventually.
To run it, provide the path to your game path, and the output directory:
dotnet run --project DistantSeas.SpreadsheetSpaghetti -- "G:/Steam/steamapps/com
mon/FINAL FANTASY XIV Online/game/sqpack" ./Data