
MiniCPM on Android platform.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Based on MLC-LLM, we run MiniCPM and MiniCPM-V on android devices.

Android APK

  1. Install MiniCPM 1.2B and MiniCPM-V 2.0 APK (old version can be found here: MiniCPM and MiniCPM-V APK)

  2. Accept camera & photo permission: the permission are for MiniCPM-V which can process multimodel input (text + image)

  3. Download model: (1) Press the download button (2) Wait for the progress bar to fill up (3) Start chat

    Caution:currently the two model can not be downloaded simultaneously due to the bug in downloading.

  4. Chat with MiniCPM: (1) Wait for model initialization until "Ready to chat" pop up. (2) Type and send question

  5. Chat with MiniCPM-V: (1) Wait for model initialization until "Ready to chat" pop up. (2) Upload image (3) Wait until "process image done" show up (4) Type and send question

    Note:image process may take some time.

  6. Demo:

Note that the models run on android are quantized to 4-bit and may lose some performance. The non-quantized models can be found here.

Prepare Enviroment

Follow https://llm.mlc.ai/docs/deploy/android.html to prepare requirements.

For the Compile PyTorch Models from HuggingFace session, use our github repo and conduct the following instructions to install our modified version of mlc_chat.

mkdir -p build && cd build
# generate build configuration
python3 ../cmake/gen_cmake_config.py && cd ..
# build `mlc_chat_cli`
cd build && cmake .. && cmake --build . --parallel $(nproc) && cd ..
# install
cd python && pip install -e . && cd ..

Compile Model

put huggingface downloaded model checkpoint into dist/models.

For MiniCPM

mlc_chat convert_weight --model-type ${MODEL_TYPE} ./dist/models/${MODEL_NAME}-hf/ --quantization $QUANTIZATION -o dist/$MODEL_NAME/
mlc_chat gen_config --model-type ${MODEL_TYPE} ./dist/models/${MODEL_NAME}-hf/ --quantization $QUANTIZATION --conv-template LM --sliding-window-size 768 -o dist/${MODEL_NAME}/
mlc_chat compile --model-type ${MODEL_TYPE} dist/${MODEL_NAME}/mlc-chat-config.json --device android -o ./dist/libs/${MODEL_NAME}-android.tar
cd ./android/library
cd -

For MiniCPM-V (vision version)

mlc_chat convert_weight --model-type ${MODEL_TYPE} ./dist/models/${MODEL_NAME}-hf/ --quantization $QUANTIZATION -o dist/$MODEL_NAME/
mlc_chat gen_config --model-type ${MODEL_TYPE} ./dist/models/${MODEL_NAME}-hf/ --quantization $QUANTIZATION --conv-template LM --sliding-window-size 1024 -o dist/${MODEL_NAME}/
mlc_chat compile --model-type ${MODEL_TYPE} dist/${MODEL_NAME}/mlc-chat-config.json --device android -o ./dist/libs/${MODEL_NAME}-android.tar
cd ./android/library
cd -

--sliding-window-size are set only for mobile phones to limit memory usage, and can be set smaller or larger base on your phone.

Build Android App

Go to android/ and use Android Studio to build the app. (Follow https://llm.mlc.ai/docs/deploy/android.html)