
Social Media platform made for a Computer Science project

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

"And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee." -Nietzsche 🕳

github project stars issues pull requests
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What is Abyss?

Abyss is a Computer Science project which is a social media platform designed as a stepping stone into learning JavaScript/TypeScript and React. The website incorporates Google authentication to allow users to login and create posts. Abyss is ultimately, a light-weight, stripped-down social media platform.

Abyss tools

Abyss uses a variety of tools. The main ones being Typescript, React, TailwindCSS, React Router, Firebase (Firestore & Authentication) and Node.

(Functions of Resources)
  • Typescript: Programming Language which is a superset of Javascript
  • React: Javascript Library
  • TailwindCSS: CSS framework
  • React Ruter: Additional library to React which allows multi-page application
  • Firebase: Database hosting service
  • Node: JavaScript runtime

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How do I run Abyss on my own device?


1. Open cmd
2. Type cd (Directory) e.g. cd Desktop
4. Type in git clone https://github.com/NotTacoz/Abyss.git
5. Type in cd Abyss
6. Type in npm install
7. Type in npm start
8. Enjoy!
