Soma is an API for storing and analysing UK blood test results. Part of the final project created by Megan Folsom, Makis Otman, Jorja Hung and myself for Makers Academy.
The documentation is below. I'll add more to this shortly.
Avaiable endpoints
get '/blood-tests/legend'
Has all the metadata about a blood test
"fullname":"Mean Cell Volume",
"fullname":"White Blood Cells",
"fullname":"Alanine Aminotransferase",
"name":"Alk Phos",
"fullname":"Alkaline Phosphates",
"fullname":"Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate",
"fullname":"C Reactive Protein",
get '/blood-tests/users/:user_id'
Has all the blood tests for a user
get '/blood-tests/users/:user_id/:test_name'
Has all the results in a particular test for a user
get '/blood-tests/:id.json'
Has the data for one blood test
get '/blood-tests/:user_id/dangerous-results'
All the out of range results for a user
post '/blood-tests/remote'
Adds a new blood test from the client
post '/users'
Registers a user in the Soma database