An anticapitalist blocklist targeting websites abusing SEO tactics to spam web searches with data pollution and security risks: content farms, scrapers, copycats, generative AIs, scams, advertisements, malwares, and useless wasteful garbage in general. It is best used with uBlacklist.
- asojiin one of the IKEA drawers
- audishos
- BaronVonBob
- battkajs
- baxenoDenmark
- BeiXiao
- BurnerWah
- castrojoCloud Native Computing Foundation
- CoconutStarshipForever
- ComezaKarlsruhe, Germany
- GCrafter
- ghornig
- gmontanola@viodotcom
- IngrownMink4Basque Country, Spain.
- KevinPayraviWriting Atlas
- KnightmareVIIVIIXCWyvernholt Castle, Vinnland, Europa
- leethax666
- LiamDaweEngland
- mammuthGermany
- mellowtempounited states
- nicoleahmedNHS
- piostaet
- rambhau
- RanbutBrazil
- relayouter
- SaphireLattice
- SeantouragePortland, OR
- snkvnmmoonville OH
- SpecterInAHusk
- speedywaterHanoi, Vietnam
- sudoer777
- TareeBC
- testfailedHome
- wofra
- wyatt@remnoteio
- x13igpoppausa