Ron Powell's Tech Portfolio

My personal portfolio website, concentrating on my Software Engineering Skills and Work

API idea1: Google Translate API idea2: REST Countries API idea3: chatbot API idea4: real time weather

Tech Stack

2. CSS
3. JavaScript
4. React
5. Tailwind


- Youtube
- (for wire framing)
- and for tech stack logos
- for css info
- google for css, javasctipt, tailwind and react help searches
- trello

Future Iterations

- email/message page where the user can input name, email, subject and message which will be sent to my email
- navbar to stay at the top
- add animations of major sections to slide into position from out of the screen when sections come into view on scroll
- better projects
- better all around spacing of divs/sections


- HTML5 logo: <a href="" title="html5 icons">Html5 icons created by Freepik - Flaticon</a>

- CSS logo: <a href="" title="css icons">Css icons created by Pixel perfect - Flaticon</a>

- JS logo: <a href="" title="javascript icons">Javascript icons created by Freepik - Flaticon</a>

- React logo: <a href="" title="react icons">React icons created by Putra Arif Munazar - Flaticon</a>

- linkedin: <a href="" title="linkedin icons">Linkedin icons created by riajulislam - Flaticon</a>

- github: <a href="" title="github icons">Github icons created by Pixel perfect - Flaticon</a>

- open: <a href="" title="export icons">Export icons created by Amazona Adorada - Flaticon</a>

- cv: <a href="" title="recruitment icons">Recruitment icons created by Freepik - Flaticon</a>

- email: <a href="" title="email icons">Email icons created by Freepik - Flaticon</a>