Technology Business Incubator

This is the landing page for the company Technology Business Incubator (TBI). Technology Business Incubator-GEU was established in 2015 by the government of India's Department of Science and Technology. In 2018, it became the first incubator to be recognized within Uttarakhand.

Table of Contents


  • Authentication: Users can log in securely to access the website's features.
  • View: The home page displays the short introduction of TBI.
  • Responsive: Because of its adaptable design, users may navigate the website easily on a variety of screens and devices.

Technologies Used

  • HTML: Used for structuring the content of the web pages.
  • CSS: Used for styling the user interface and enhancing the visual appeal.
  • JavaScript: Used for implementing interactivity and dynamic functionality. Also, we use GSAP on our website to animate things.


To introduce Technology Business Incubator, open any web browser and navigate to the following URL:


Enter a predefined username and password to log in on the login page. When you log in, you will be redirected to the main page.