
random competitive programming problems i do on dmoj.ca

Primary LanguageJava

random practice problems for competitive programming i did on dmoj.ca

don't judge the formatting too harshly, this was all done in notepad (not even ++ omegalul) on a laptop while distracting myself from unimportant things like classes that i don't need to get into university and getting a girlfriend

why did i decide to do a certain problem and not some other one? idk

why are most of these incredibly easy? because i don't feel like doing ones requiring thought at school on my shitty notepad laptop

hey you're code is shit, how do you have a job in this stuff?!?!?!?! firstly, wrong "your" fictitious strawman me i get to insult in a README.txt, secondly idk i'm decent at other stuff in programming that aren't weird cp algos ask the people who hired me not me