
Huggingface Semantic Search Engine

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Huggingface Semantic Search Engine

This library uses the Retrieve & Re-Rank Pipeline to search for models on HuggingFace, based on their READMEs, and returns their metadata using the huggingface_hub library

This project is largely inspired by Nils Reimers' work so please make sure to check out his library.


pip install git+<https://github.com/NouamaneTazi/hf_search>


  • Search for models that can transcribe french audios

You can compare with other search methods supported (bm25, retrieve or retrieve & rerank)

>> from search import HFSearch
>> hf_search = HFSearch("path/to/hf_data", "path/to/embeddings/multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1-embeddings.pt")
>> search(query="transcribe french audio", method="retrieve & rerank", limit=3)
  [{'passage': '### Transcribing your own audio files (in French)\n', # most relevant passage
  'modelId': 'speechbrain/asr-wav2vec2-commonvoice-fr', 
  'sha': '33b4e3ab46e2787406d65e41c1473e42506cb901',
  'lastModified': '2021-12-18T09:12:59.000Z',
  'tags': ['wav2vec2',
  'pipeline_tag': 'automatic-speech-recognition',
  'siblings': [{'rfilename': '.gitattributes'},
   {'rfilename': 'README.md'},
   {'rfilename': 'asr.ckpt'},
   {'rfilename': 'config.json'},
   {'rfilename': 'example-fr.wav'},
   {'rfilename': 'example.wav'},
   {'rfilename': 'hyperparams.yaml'},
   {'rfilename': 'preprocessor_config.json'},
   {'rfilename': 'tokenizer.ckpt'},
   {'rfilename': 'wav2vec2.ckpt'}],
  'config': {'architectures': ['Wav2Vec2Model'],
   'model_type': 'wav2vec2',
   'speechbrain': {'interface': 'EncoderASR'}},
  'private': False,
  'library_name': 'speechbrain',
  'likes': 1,
  'readme': '---\nlanguage: "fr"\nthumbnail:\npipeline_tag:...', # truncated here for demo
  'downloads': 192.0,
  'score': 5.644802}, # relevance score
  • Filter the results by the model's task (pipeline_tag) and library, like described in here
>> search(query="model that detects birds", method="retrieve & rerank", limit=3, filters={"task": ['automatic_speech_recognition', 'speech_processing', 'other'], "library_name": ['transformers', 'PyTorch']})
  • Sort the results by lastModified, likes or downloads (by default it's by relevance). You can also sort by ascending order by setting direction = "ascending"
>> search(query="model that detects birds", limit=3, sort="downloads", direction="ascending")

How does it work?

Given a search query, we first use a retrieval system that retrieves a large list of e.g. 100 possible hits which are potentially relevant for the query. For the retrieval, we can use either lexical search, e.g. with ElasticSearch, or we can use dense retrieval with a bi-encoder.

However, the retrieval system might retrieve documents that are not that relevant for the search query. Hence, in a second stage, we use a re-ranker based on a cross-encoder that scores the relevancy of all candidates for the given search query.

The output will be a ranked list of hits we can present to the user.

Read more about it in here.


The library extracts model's metadata from a folder hf_data

├── models.jsonl
└── passages.jsonl

where passages.jsonl contain the passages to be encoded

{"id":0,"modelId":"tizaino\/bert-base-uncased-finetuned-Pisa","passage":"## Model description\n"}
{"id":0,"modelId":"tizaino\/bert-base-uncased-finetuned-Pisa","passage":"More information needed\n"}
{"id":0,"modelId":"tizaino\/bert-base-uncased-finetuned-Pisa","passage":"## Intended uses & limitations\n"}
{"id":0,"modelId":"tizaino\/bert-base-uncased-finetuned-Pisa","passage":"More information needed\n"}
{"id":0,"modelId":"tizaino\/bert-base-uncased-finetuned-Pisa","passage":"## Training and evaluation data\n"}
{"id":0,"modelId":"tizaino\/bert-base-uncased-finetuned-Pisa","passage":"More information needed\n"}

and models.jsonl contains the metadata for each model

  "modelId": "hf-test/xls-r-dummy",
  "sha": "ed3e4d304b193c575f8de763563b55888520c08c",
  "lastModified": "2022-01-09T00:32:41.000Z",
  "tags": ["pytorch", "wav2vec2", "feature-extraction", "transformers"],
  "pipeline_tag": "feature-extraction",
  "siblings": [
    { "rfilename": ".gitattributes" },
    { "rfilename": "config.json" },
    { "rfilename": "preprocessor_config.json" },
    { "rfilename": "pytorch_model.bin" }
  "config": { "architectures": ["Wav2Vec2Model"], "model_type": "wav2vec2" },
  "private": false,
  "library_name": "transformers",
  "likes": 0,
  "readme": null,
  "downloads": 317