This project is about creating a basic ray tracing engine in C. The purpose is to render simple Computer-Generated-Images.
The goal of miniRT program is to generate images using the Raytracing protocol. Those computer-generated images will each represent a scene, as seen from a specific angle and position, defined by simple geometric objects, and each with its own lighting system..
Authorized functions for the assignment: open
, close
, read
, write
, printf
, malloc
, free
, perror
, strerror
, exit
as well as all lib math functions;
Code written in accordance with 42 C coding style.
Run make
in the root of the projet and launch as follows:
./miniRT <filename.rt>
-- the scene you want to display.
Run make bonus
to add the bonus features such Phong reflexion model, cones and texture mapping:
./miniRT_bonus <filename.rt>
Complex scene with multiple objects and lights:
Succession of spheres
White objects reflecting three colored lights