
A blog application with users privileges developed in Django & Fast API & Next.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Blog Posts Project

An app that can create blogs. The main purpose to create this app to practice django skills and make the source code available online for other developers to start this repo for their own custom need

Using this app, you can

  1. create an account, update the user password, login to the website
  2. fetch the user detail using API
  3. create a token for API validation
  4. localization has been implementated for english and chinese languages. You can pass a get params lang=en|zh
  5. create, update a post. Every post require admin approval
  6. every post can be bookmark/unbookmark on user request
  7. On updating the password, system will fire an email to the related user. You need to make sure all the settings are properly setup in settings.py and .env files. If you want to skip sending the email, make sure to set EMAIL_HOST_EXIST as None. No further changes are required.

Alt home page Alt reg page Alt login page Alt create a post Alt list page

Setup (Recommended)

  1. install anaconda
  2. create an environment using
 conda create -n "django-blog-posts" python=3.10
  1. run
conda activate django-blog-posts
  1. run
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. replace file name in blog_posts/copy_settings.py to settings.py
  2. you need to setup database(mysql) in .env file. Just replace .env.backup to .env and add db credentials
  3. install redis and change your server path in .env file
  4. create a database django_blog_posts in the database
  5. run migrations using
python manage.py migrate
  1. run
python manage.py runserver

Auto Deployment using Github Actions

  1. you may refer to deployment.yml file in github Action for deployment
  2. refer to deployment_using_uwsgi for deploying using uwsgi
  3. refer to deployment using gunicorn for deploying using gunicorn

Dockering Version

  1. run command
docker-compose up

For reference check DockerFile and docker-compose.yml

locationlization rules

  1. install gettext. follow django documentation or Google it
  2. following commands can be handy while creating locationlization
    1. run
    django-admin makemessages --locale=zh --extension=html,txt,py
    1. run
    django-admin compilemessages


  1. super user credentials: username: test_user password:test_user

Next JS frontend

You can refer to this path for next js Last but not least, don't forget to our website

Technical Knowledge

  1. custom middleware has been created for language translation middlewares.LanguageTransMiddleware
  2. django session and token validation has been implemented
  3. front end has been developed using Jquery & Bootstrap
  4. Postman collection has been made online for public use
  5. django custom template tags and filter
  6. Serializer, form validation have been implemented
  7. Postgre support is included. You need to change the credentials in settings.py
  8. we have set postgre database as default database. if you are curious to change it to mysql. change replace default1 key with default in settings.py


To deploy using Nginx and uwsgi, please refer to following link


you may refer to fast_api for all API ends point.

Further Do not forget to check the swagger documentation by visiting the

** your_server/docs **

For deployment of Fast APi using gunicorn,uvicorn,hypervisor and nginx Please refer to this

Common Commands

python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
python manage.py collectstatic
docker exec -it blog_post /bin/bash
conda activate django-blog-posts
pip list
 python manage.py test

Django Test cases

  1. to app specific test cases,Run
 python manage.py test auths
  1. to tag specific test cases, run. Two tags are used in the project slow and fast
 python manage.py test --tags=slow

mysql commands

CREATE USER 'root2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'root2';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'root2'@'localhost';

Amazon Deployment

You can open this to check deployment on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. For source code, Please open me

Website Links

  1. https://django.lyskills.com
  2. https://test-django.lyskills.com
  3. https://fastapi.lyskills.com
  4. https://flask.lyskills.com
  5. https://ec2-user-django.lyskills.com
  6. http://dev-web-django.eba-ch3dwa3n.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com
  7. http://web-django.eba-ch3dwa3n.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/
  8. https://nextjs.lyskills.com