WIPBICTBF : Work in progress but it's close to be finished
How it works
To transform a textarea in an markdown editor you just have to create a new MdEditor instance
var md = new MdEditor('#mdeditor');
You can pass options ass the second parameter
var md = new MdEditor('#mdeditor', {
uploader: false, //'http://local.dev/Lab/MdEditor/app/upload.php?id=',
preview: true,
images: [
{id: '1.jpg', url: 'http://lorempicsum.com/futurama/200/200/1'},
I created options for my needs, if you have some new ideas, PR are welcomed.
- labelClose 'Do you really want to close this window ? Every edit you did could be lost'
- labelInsert: 'Insert', This label is used within the image uploader
- labelDelete: 'Delete',
- labelSuccess: 'Content saved with success', This label is used when saving using ctrl + s
- labelImage: 'Insert your image url', This label is used within the image uploader is not availabled
- labelConfirm: 'Do you really want to delete this picture ?'
- preview: true, Enable the preview for the inline editor (preview is always displayed when fullscreen is enabled
- uploader: false, false to disable the image uploader (using drag'n drop) or a string containing the REST api endpoint
- uploaderData: {}, additional data to send when uploading (CSRF token for instance
- ctrls: true, enable autosaving, it will submit the form using ajax (so if you have additional fields, they will be sent too)
- images: [], an array containing initial images to display within the image uploader
- imageURL: function(){ return el.url }, how to fetch the image URL from the image data
- flash: function(message, type) {return window.alert(message) }, a function that display error or success message. you can replace it using jgrowl or a notification system of your choice.
Before you can start you have to download you have to install npm dependencies, bower dependencies, then start gulp serve task
- npm install
- bower install
- gulp serve
Then you can edit app/scripts/mdeditor.coffee to do some edits.
- Rework the gulpfile.js
- Test it on multiple browsers (only tested with chrome atm)