
This program can identify whether a number is each of the following 12 properties: even, odd, buzz, duck, palindromic, gapful, spy, square, sunny, jumping, happy, and/or sad

Primary LanguageJava

Amazing Numbers


We use numbers every day. But do you know how many different properties they have? Let's take a look at some of the amazing properties of numbers.

This program can identify whether a number has each of the following 12 properties:

  • Even
  • Odd
  • Buzz: A number is a buzz number if it is either divisible by 7 or ends with 7.
  • Duck: A number is a duck number if it is a positive number that contains zeroes. Note that a number with a leading 0 is not a duck number.
  • Palindromic: A number is a palindromic number if it is symmetrical; it stays the same regardless of whether we read it from left or right.
  • Gapful: A number is a gapful number if it at least contains 3 digits and is divisible by the cancatenation of its first and last digit without a remainder. For example, 7881 is a gapful number since 7 88 1 % 71 == 0.
  • Spy: A number is a spy number if the sum of all digits is equal to the product of all digits.
  • Square: A number is a square number or a perfect square if it is an integer that is the square of an integer.
  • Sunny: A number N is a sunny number if N + 1 is a perfect square number.
  • Jumping: A number is a jumping number if the adjacent digits inside the number differ by 1. Note that the difference between 9 and 0 is not considered as 1. For example, 78987 and 4343456 are jumping numbers, but 796 and 89098 are not.
  • Happy: A number is a happy number if it is a number that reaches 1 after a sequence during which the number is replaced by the sum of each digit squared. For example, 13 is a happy number since 1^2 + 3^2 = 10 which leads to 1^2 + 0^2 = 1.
  • Sad: A sad number is a number that is not happy.

The program:

  1. Welcomes users;
  2. Displays the instructions;
  3. Asks for a request;
  4. If a user enters an empty request, prints the instructions;
  5. If the user enters zero, terminates the program;
  6. If numbers are not natural, prints the error message;
  7. If an incorrect property is specified, prints the error message and the list of available properties;
  8. For one number, prints the properties of the number;
  9. For two numbers, prints the properties of all numbers in the list (eg: x y; the program prints the properties of y numbers in sequence starting from x);
  10. For two numbers and several properties, prints the list of numbers that contain the specified properties;
  11. If a property is preceded by a minus, this property should not be present in a number;
  12. If the user specifies mutually exclusive properties, aborts the request and warns the user.
  13. Once the request is processed, it continues execution from step 3.

Below is a possible run of the program:

Welcome to Amazing Numbers!

Supported requests:
- enter a natural number to know its properties;
- enter two natural numbers to obtain the properties of the list:
    * the first parameter represents a starting number;
    * the second parameter shows how many consecutive numbers are to be processed;
- two natural numbers and properties to search for;
- a property preceded by minus must not be present in numbers;
- separate the parameters with one space;
- enter 0 to exit.

Enter a request:

Properties of 89
buzz: false
duck: false
palindromic: false
gapful: false
spy: false
square: false
sunny: false
jumping: true
happy: false
sad: true
even: false
odd: true

Enter a request:
1 -87
The second parameter should be a natural number.

Enter a request:
3426 5 duck

3430 is buzz, duck, sad, even
3440 is duck, sad, even
3450 is duck, gapful, sad, even
3460 is duck, sad, even
3470 is duck, sad, even

Enter a request:
8293 3 sad palindromic even

8338 is palindromic, sad, even
8448 is palindromic, gapful, sad, even
8558 is palindromic, sad, even

Enter a request:
105 5

105 is buzz, duck, gapful, sad, odd
106 is duck, sad, even
107 is buzz, duck, sad, odd
108 is duck, gapful, sad, even
109 is duck, happy, odd

Enter a request:
879654 5 sad -odd gapful

879680 is duck, gapful, sad, even
879760 is buzz, duck, gapful, sad, even
879840 is duck, gapful, sad, even
879866 is gapful, sad, even
879920 is duck, gapful, sad, even

Enter a request:
4563 8 sod -odd palindromic -even
The property [SOD] is wrong.

Enter a request:
4563 8 sad -odd palindromic -even
The request contains mutually exclusive properties: [-EVEN, -ODD]
There are no numbers with these properties.

Enter a request:
The first parameter should be a natural number or zero if only one parameter is provided.

Enter a request:


General Info

To learn more about this project, please visit HyperSkill Website - Amazing Numbers.

This project's difficulty has been labelled as Hard where this is how HyperSkill describes each of its four available difficulty levels:

  • Easy Projects - if you're just starting
  • Medium Projects - to build upon the basics
  • Hard Projects - to practice all the basic concepts and learn new ones
  • Challenging Projects - to perfect your knowledge with challenging tasks

This repository contains:

numbers package - Contains the numbers.Main java class that contains the program.

Project was built using java version 8 update 381

How to Run

Download the numbers repository to your machine. Create a new project in IntelliJ IDEA, then move the downloaded numbers repository to the src folder, then run the numbers.Main java class.