
Regression Analysis and EDA for House Price Prediction

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This repository contains a Jupyter Notebook implementing a regression analysis and exploratory data analysis (EDA) for predicting house prices. The analysis includes the following steps:

Data Loading and Preprocessing:

Loading house price data from a CSV file. Cleaning and organizing the data using Pandas. Feature Engineering and Imputation:

Handling missing values and imputing using the mean strategy. Feature engineering, such as polynomial transformation for feature expansion. Data Visualization:

Exploratory data analysis using histograms and bar plots for selected columns. Scatter plots with custom legends to visualize relationships between different distances. Data Scaling and Standardization:

Scaling features using StandardScaler. Correlation Analysis:

Computing and visualizing the correlation matrix. Regression Modeling:

Implementing Ridge Regression with cross-validated alpha selection. Evaluating model performance using mean absolute error (MAE). Model Serialization:

Saving the best-performing Ridge Regression model, including alpha, weights, bias, and MAE, using Pickle.