
Canadian Science Policy Conference Proceedings, Ottawa, 2018

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Canadian Science Policy Conference Proceedings

November 07-09, 2018 - Delta Hotel, Ottawa

  1. About CSPC
  2. CSPC2018 Themes
  3. CSPF Notes
  4. Code of Conduct
  5. Acknowledgements

1. About CSPC

Established in 2009, the Canadian Science Policy Conference (CSPC) meets an important need for a non-partisan, inclusive, national dialogue on science, technology and innovation policy. Their vision is to ensure systematic connections between Canada’s diverse scientific enterprises and policymakers in scientific enterprises and policymakers in political spheres, both federally and provincially. The CSPC has become Canada’s most comprehensive, multi-sectorial and multi-disciplinary annual science policy forum and attracted numerous politicians and hundreds of professionals from industry, academia, the non-profit sector, federal and provincial governments every year. The conference has traveled across Canada: Toronto (2009), Montreal (2010), Ottawa (2011), Calgary (2012), Toronto (2013), Halifax (2014), Ottawa (2015, 2016, 2017) and returns to Ottawa in 2018. The Canadian Science Policy Fellows were invited by Mitacs Canada to attend this conference as part of their fellowship. In the spirit of open science, Canadian Science Policy Fellow participants are trying to make this conference as open, accessible, and user-friendly as possible. This repository will store conference notes from participants who have agreed to share their summary notes, and also serves as a mechanism to receive feedback in the form of issues (please see the code of conduct).

2. CSPF Notes

The program at a glance contains all the sessions and information on the speakers and panels. The twitter handle for the conference uses the hashtag #CSPC2018.

Please find the summary of notes taken by Canadian Science Policy Fellows below:

3. CSPC2018 Themes

The five themes of CSPC2018 and the associated talks are listed below.

Science and Policy
Canada’s Climate Change Adaptation Platform as a Model for Science-Policy Integration
Connecting Science with Policy in Canada: how do I do it?
Federal-Provincial Coordination in Research and Innovation Funding
How can better federal-provincial collaboration strengthen Canada’s research ecosystem?
How Canada Can Create a Sustainable National Space Infrastructure
Integrating indigenous knowledge and western science in environmental decision-making
Managing Receiving Water: Can Canadian Water Policies and Regulations Address Current and Emerging Challenges?
New Ways of Informing Policy by Leveraging Scientific Knowledge: Two Models related to Public-Academic Collaborations
Risk Communication and Engagement with the Public in the Nuclear, Climate and Artificial Intelligence Sectors
Shaping science policy to improve equity, diversity and inclusion
Should science-based organizations define their risk tolerances?: A debate
Science and Society
Bridging Science and Indigenous Knowledge Systems: Best Practices
Communication culture: Scientists’ views and trainers’ methods to better engage with publics and policy-makers
Digital Futures: The Impact of Digital Threats to Democracy
Fake News, Fake Therapies: Upping the Ante in the Fight Against Unproven Stem Cell Therapies in Canada
From crisis to confidence: Building science and policy “bridges” in Canada’s national blood system
Granting agencies and participatory science in Canada
Improvisation for Science Communication
Incorporating indigenous ways of knowing into applied research
Science Fact or Science Fiction? How can science be heard in an age of misinformation?
The Dementia Challenge: Facing the Rising Tide
The Logic of Inclusive Innovation: From Inputs to Outcomes
The status of science literacy in Canada
Science, Innovation, and Economic Development
Commercializing Innovation in Canada: Retaining human and financial capital north of the border
Failure to Thrive: Why Canada Struggles to Grow World Leading Tech Companies
Harnessing Diversity and Inclusion to Drive Innovation in Canadian Science and Technology
Innovation and Sustainable Aging
Innovating Science Communication
Towards a Canadian Life Sciences Supercluster
What’s on the menu? Science-based: policies to address new agri-food realities
Science and International Affairs
International Science and Canada – Addressing Global Agenda 2030 Together
Science and The Next Generation
A Data Native Generation’s Approach to Science: Science Instruction Vs. Inquiry into Science
Canada 2067 – lessons learned in building a national vision for STEM education
Enabling Interdisciplinarity for the Next Generation of Problem Solvers
Fueling Water Innovation in Atlantic Canada
La diversité des formes d’implication de la relève dans la gouvernance de la recherche
Science and Inclusvity: Going Beyond the Slogans
Supporting the next generation of northern scientists
Where the rubber meets the road: The real life impact of policy on Canadian postdocs
CSPC Short Talk Series
Amplify: Managing Microaggressions and Countering Stereotypes Against Women and Girls in STEM (Science and Society)
Conspiring Together for Good: Institutional Science and Religion (Science and Society)
Effecting and Managing Change by Introducing Artificial Intelligence into Map-Making (Science and Policy)
From crisis to confidence: Building science and policy “bridges” in Canada’s national blood system (Science and Society)
How a new model of journalism is connecting science and the public (Science and Society)
Putting our Minds Together: Research and Knowledge Management Strategy – BC Ministry of Health (Science and Policy)
Who is a science communicator? (Science and Society)
Brainstorming for Canada’s National Water Vision
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Science: from Policy to Implementation
Policy and Funding Models for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows
Science Policy 101

4. Code of Conduct

Welcome to #CSPC2018 conference proceedings!

Please let us know your thoughts by creating an issue. Here's an explanation of how to creat one issue creation.

Our team is committed to providing an environment that encourages the free expression and exchange of scientific ideas and promotes equal opportunities and respectful treatment for all participants. All participants are expected to treat others with respect and consideration, follow rules, and alert us of any dangerous situations or anyone in distress. You can also find us at our slack channel

Our notes policy is that anything said by a speaker is fair game for tweeting and live note-taking unless the speaker states otherwise. If you are planning to use this material or tweet about the talks, please ask permission of presenter and note-taker first, and follow this license.

5. Acknowledgements

All Canadian Science Policy Fellows have been funded for travel and registration costs through the generous sponsorship of Mitacs Canada and their respective ministry hosts.

Thank you for helping to make this a welcoming, friendly space for all!