
2023 Fall PKU Computer Network(Honor Track) Course Lab of TCP/IP Protocol Stack

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

PKU-CompNet (H) Fall’23 Lab Assignment (Premium): Protocol Stack

寿晨宸 2100012945

1 Lab 1: Link-layer

1.1 Writing Task 1(WT1)

Open trace.pcap with Wireshark. First set filter to eth.src == 6a:15:0a:ba:9b:7c to only reserve Ethernet frames with source address 6a:15:0a:ba:9b:7c. Find the third frame in the filtered results and answer the following questions.

  1. How many frames are there in the filtered results? (Hint: see the status bar)
  2. What is the destination address of this Ethernet frame and what makes this address special?
  3. What is the 71th byte (count from 0) of this frame?

The third frame in the filtered results is:

No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
12 1.068164 DHCP 342 DHCP Discover - Transaction ID 0x13699715
  1. There are 827 frames in the filtered results.

  2. ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, the broadcast address.

    Frames are addressed to reach every computer on a given LAN segment if they are addressed to MAC address FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF. Ethernet frames that contain IP broadcast packages are usually sent to this address. by Wikipedia

  3. 0x15.

1.2 Programming Task 1(PT1)

I have implemented network device management functionality in the files src/lib/device.cpp and src/include/device.h. In these files, I have abstracted two classes named Device and DeviceManager. The Device class contains various information about network devices, such as name, MAC address, device number, etc., and functions for operating on the device. The DeviceManager class contains a list of Device objects and implements various operations for managing these devices.

For this programming task, which is the implementation of network device management, specifically, I have implemented the following functionalities (all are member functions of DeviceManager):

  1. dev_id addDevice(const char* dev_name): Adds a device to the list of devices based on the given device name. This function completes the initial setup for the device, such as recording the device's MAC address, setting up a thread dedicated to handling receive callbacks, and so on. It returns a device identifier, which is the device's index in the device list (linearly increasing).
  2. Device* findDevice(const char* dev_name): Retrieves the device object based on the given device name (equivalent to getting the device by its ID; it does not affect functionality).
  3. Device* getDevice(dev_id id): Retrieves the device object based on the given device identifier.
  4. void printAllValidDevice() const: A utility function for printing information about all currently valid devices owned by the network namespace.
  5. void printAllAddedDevice() const: A utility function for printing information about all devices that have been added.

1.3 Programming Task 2(PT2)

I have implemented the functionality for sending and receiving Ethernet II frames in the files src/lib/device.cpp, src/include/device.h, src/include/type.h, src/include/callback.h, and src/lib/callback.cpp.

In type.h, I have provided some commonly used type definitions. In callback.h and callback.cpp, I have implemented a reusable receive callback function as an auxiliary function (in actual test programs, I have redesigned new functions based on specific scenarios).

For this task, I have primarily implemented the following functions, all of which are related to the Device class (member or friend functions):

  1. Device(char* dev_name, u_char* mac, dev_id id, DeviceManager* manager): Constructor function. Sets various members and starts a new thread for listening to messages.
  2. int sendFrame(const void* buf, int len, int ethtype, const void* destmac): Constructs an Ethernet II frame and sends the message.
  3. int setFrameReceiveCallback(frameReceiveCallback callback): Sets the callback function.
  4. friend void deviceRecvFrame(Device* device): Function run by the thread listening to messages, running pcap_loop inside it.
  5. friend void deviceRecvPcapHandler(u_char* args, const pcap_pkthdr* head, const u_char* packet): Program run by pcap_loop. When a message is received, it runs the callback function if it is not empty.
  6. int stopRecv(): An auxiliary function to stop listening and set the callback function to NULL.
  7. const char* getDeviceName() const: An auxiliary function to get the device name.
  8. const int getDeviceID() const: An auxiliary function to get the device ID.
  9. const u_char* getDeviceMac() const: An auxiliary function to get the device's MAC address.
  10. ~Device(): Destructor function that joins the listening thread and releases allocated resources.

In all of the above operations, I have used mutex to ensure thread safety.

1.4 Checkpoint 1(CP1)

For Checkpoint 1 (CP1), the implementation code is located in checkpoints/CP1/{cp1.sh and cp1.txt} and src/tests/ethernet/test_device_manager.cpp. The main idea is to perform a series of device management operations in a network built based on vnetUtils/examples within ns3 , and record their outputs.

  1. test_device_manager <input_file>: This is a testing tool provided for CP1, which takes one parameter representing an input file. If the parameter is empty, it reads from standard input. For example, when given an input file, this program reads the file and treats each line as a command for device management operations. It calls the functions implemented in PT1 and outputs the operation results. The operation commands include:

    • addDevice <dev_name>
    • findDevice <dev_name>
    • findAllAddedDevice
    • findAllValidDevice
    • exit
  2. cp1.sh: In simple terms, this script uses vnetUtils/examples to build a network, calls test_device_manager within ns3 , and uses cp1.sh as the input file (which contains a series of device management operations). It outputs the results to cp1.log. The typescript file in this directory records the process of running this script.

1.5 Checkpoint 2(CP2)

For Checkpoint 2 (CP2), the implementation code is located in checkpoints/CP2/cp2.sh, src/tests/ethernet/{set_sender and set_receiver}.cpp. The main idea is to establish a network based on vnetUtils/examples and enable multiple rounds of communication between connected devices, while recording their output.

  1. set_sender <dev> <dst_mac> <send_num>: This sets up the sender. Each parameter represents the device name for sending, the destination MAC address, and the number of messages to send. After running this program, the device dev will send send_num rounds of frames to dst_mac, where each round of sending has a different payload. The payload looks like "Hello! This is message 10 from device veth0-3 with mac 7a:85:90:d4:1b:cc." for easy calibration, identification, and verification. It also outputs relevant information during the sending process, such as:

    [INFO] Device veth3-0 send frame 1:
    src_mac: 66:a4:fd:02:9b:30
    dst_mac: 7a:85:90:d4:1b:cc
    pay_load: Hello! This is message 1 from device veth3-0 with mac 66:a4:fd:02:9b:30.
    pay_load_len: 72
    ethtype: 0x8888
  2. set_receiver <dev> <recv_num>: This sets up the receiver. Each parameter represents the device name for receiving and the number of messages to receive. After running this program, whenever the dev device receives a message, it prints related information. This is used for cross-checking against the sent messages.

    [INFO] Device veth0-3 receive frame 1.
    src_mac: 66:a4:fd:02:9b:30
    dst_mac: 7a:85:90:d4:1b:cc
    pay_load: Hello! This is message 1 from device veth3-0 with mac 66:a4:fd:02:9b:30.
    pay_load_len: 72
    ethtype: 0x8888
  3. cp2.sh: In simple terms, this script uses vnetUtils/examples to build a network and tests communication between each veth pair within the network. For example, it first sets veth0-3 and veth3-0 as receivers, and then it allows veth0-3 and veth3-0 to send 100 messages to each other, recording their outputs. The output logs for both receivers and senders are saved in the checkpoints/CP2/log/ folder.

    • For the receiver, the log file, for example, veth0-3_receive.log, records the following information:

      [INFO] Device veth0-3 ready to receive 100 frames.
      [INFO] Device veth0-3 receive frame 1.
      src_mac: 66:a4:fd:02:9b:30
      dst_mac: 7a:85:90:d4:1b:cc
      pay_load: Hello! This is message 1 from device veth3-0 with mac 66:a4:fd:02:9b:30.
      pay_load_len: 72
      ethtype: 0x8888
      [INFO] Device veth0-3 receive frame 2.
      src_mac: 66:a4:fd:02:9b:30
      dst_mac: 7a:85:90:d4:1b:cc
      pay_load: Hello! This is message 2 from device veth3-0 with mac 66:a4:fd:02:9b:30.
      pay_load_len: 72
      ethtype: 0x8888
      [INFO] Device veth0-3 has received 2 frames, expect 2 frames.
      [INFO] Device veth0-3 stop receiving frames.
    • For the sender, the log file, for example, veth3-0_send.log, records similar information:

      [INFO] Device veth3-0 send frame 1:
      src_mac: 66:a4:fd:02:9b:30
      dst_mac: 7a:85:90:d4:1b:cc
      pay_load: Hello! This is message 1 from device veth3-0 with mac 66:a4:fd:02:9b:30.
      pay_load_len: 72
      ethtype: 0x8888
      [INFO] Device veth3-0 send frame 2:
      src_mac: 66:a4:fd:02:9b:30
      dst_mac: 7a:85:90:d4:1b:cc
      pay_load: Hello! This is message 2 from device veth3-0 with mac 66:a4:fd:02:9b:30.
      pay_load_len: 72
      ethtype: 0x8888

    Generally, you can compare the output logs of receivers and senders to validate the correctness of the code.

    • checkpoints/CP2/typescript records the log information during the execution of cp2.sh.

2 Lab 2: Network-layer

2.1 Writing Task 2(WT2)

Open trace.pcap with Wireshark. Answer the following questions.

  1. During an ARP interaction, which field in ARP Reply is the same as the Sender MAC address in ARP Request?
  2. How many IPv4 packets are there whose Don’t fragment bit is not set?
  3. What are the header lengths of IPv4 and IPv6 packets respectively (not including IP options)?
  1. The Target MAC address field.
  2. 6
  3. IPv4: 20 bytes. IPv6: 40 bytes.

2.2 Programming Task 3 (PT3)

I primarily implemented the IPv4 protocol in the files IP.h, callback.h, device.h, ARP.h and route.h.

I implemented IPv4-related data structures in IP.h and handled the reception and transmission of IP datagrams in device.h.

I implemented a basic ARP protocol in ARP.h to obtain MAC addresses corresponding to IP addresses.

In route.h, I implemented a routing algorithm similar to RIP (Routing Information Protocol).

In callback.h, I implemented various callback functions that can be applied to print various packet information.

In utils.h, I implemented some utilities, such as checksum calculation and IP prefix matching.

For ease of use, I implemented a simple interactive terminal in src/tests/ip/host_manager.cpp. Please refer to the code for specific usage instructions.

2.3 Writing Task 3 (WT3)

To obtain the MAC address corresponding to an IP address through the ARP protocol, you would follow these steps:

  1. Querying the ARP Cache: First, check if the IP-to-MAC mapping is already present in the ARP cache. The ARP cache typically stores mappings for devices directly connected to the host.

  2. ARP Request Broadcast: If the mapping is not present in the ARP cache, you would need to use the ARP protocol to resolve it. You send an ARP request packet as a broadcast to the local network. This packet contains the target IP address you want to map to a MAC address.

    • The source host or router broadcasts an ARP request to all devices on the network.
    • All devices on the network check if the destination IP address in the ARP request matches their own IP address.
  3. Response from Target Host: When the target host (or router) receives the ARP request, it does two things:

    • It adds the source host's IP address and corresponding MAC address to its own ARP cache mapping table.
    • It sends a unicast ARP response packet to the source host, specifying its own MAC address.
  4. Updating ARP Cache on Source Host: When the source host receives the ARP response packet, it adds the target host's IP address and MAC address to its ARP cache mapping table.

With the ARP cache updated on both the source and target hosts, the source host can now send Ethernet frames to the target host using the resolved MAC address.

This process allows devices to dynamically learn and maintain the mappings between IP addresses and MAC addresses on a local network, making it essential for proper network communication.

For devices that are not directly connected to the host, we don't need to concern ourselves with their MAC addresses because there is no need to directly send Ethernet data frames to them.

2.4 Writing Task 4 (WT4)

For the routing algorithm, I implemented the RIP protocol.

The RIP protocol (Routing Information Protocol) is an interior gateway protocol based on distance vectors, which measures route cost based on hops for route selection. When a host is activated, all devices within the host will broadcast RIP Requests at intervals of RIP_UPDATE_TIME (2 seconds), which contain information about the sender. Upon receiving RIP Requests, other devices will also broadcast RIP Replies, including their routing tables.

When a host receives a RIP Reply, it updates its own routing table:

  1. When the host is activated, the routing table only contains networks directly connected to the host, with a distance of 0.

  2. Within the host, there is a timer for each routing table entry that maintains an invalid_timer and a flush_timer to check if devices are still valid. Both timers are initially set to RIP_INVALID_TIME (6) and RIP_FLUSH_TIME (4). Every second, the invalid_timer decreases by one. When invalid_timer reaches 0, the distance for that entry is set to RIP_MAX_DISTANCE (16, meaning unreachable), and the valid flag is set to false. Furthermore, every second, the flush_timer decreases by one, and when it reaches 0, the entry is deleted.

  3. Upon receiving RIP Requests and RIP Replies, the sender's IP prefix is examined to refresh the corresponding routing table entry.

  4. Upon receiving a RIP Reply, the RIP Reply packet and routing table are examined. It iterates through the entries in the RIP Reply: {dest_ip, next_hop, d}, with src_ip being the IP address of the RIP sender.

    • If dest_ip is not in the routing table, and d is less than RIP_MAX_DISTANCE, the entry is inserted into the routing table with dest_ip_1=dest_ip, d1=d+1, and next_hop_1=src_ip. Otherwise, nothing is done.

    • If dest_ip is already in the routing table, and the routing table entry is dest_ip_1, d1, next_hop_1:

      • If next_hop is the current host, it is skipped to prevent loops.
      • If next_hop_1=src_ip and d is less than RIP_MAX_DISTANCE, d1 is set to d+1. If d equals RIP_MAX_DISTANCE, the entry is marked as invalid.
      • If d+1 is less than d1, next_hop_1 is set to src_ip, and d1 is set to d+1.

When host A sends a message to host B, it sequentially queries the next_hop node and forwards the IP packet to the next node.

This implementation effectively prevents loops and allows the host to quickly detect changes in neighboring nodes and converge rapidly.

2.5 Checkpoint 3(CP3)

I implemented this task in checkpoints/CP3. You can obtain the results by running ./cp3.sh. The typescript and ./log files contain the execution logs, and ./action records the behavior of various hosts. Captured IPv4 packets are stored in ip_example.pcap, and the specific hexdump is as follows:

0000   56 fb 21 64 a4 94 c2 47 71 fa 54 1d 08 00 45 00   V.!d...Gq.T...E.
0010   00 4e 00 00 40 00 10 fd f7 44 0a 64 01 02 0a 64   .N..@....D.d...d
0020   01 01 48 65 6c 6c 6f 21 20 54 68 69 73 20 69 73   ..Hello! This is
0030   20 61 6e 20 49 50 20 70 61 63 6b 65 74 20 66 72    an IP packet fr
0040   6f 6d 20 31 30 2e 31 30 30 2e 31 2e 32 20 74 6f   om to
0050   20 31 30 2e 31 30 30 2e 31 2e 31 2e 00 00 00 00
  • Destination MAC: 56 fb 21 64 a4 94
  • Source MAC: c2 47 71 fa 54 1d
  • Ethertype: 0x0800, IPv4
  • Version: 0x4, IPv4
  • IHL: 0x5
  • Type of Service: 0x00
  • Total Length: 0x004e
  • Identification: 0x0000
  • Flags: 0b010; Fragment Offset:0b0 0000 0000 0000
  • Time to Live: 0x10
  • Protocol: 0xfd, protocol preserved for test.
  • Header Checksum: 0xf744
  • Source IP Address: 0x0a640102->
  • Destination IP Address: 0x0a640101->
  • Pay load: Other bytes, Hello! This is an IP packet from to

2.6 Checkpoint 4(CP4)

I implemented this task in checkpoints/CP4. You can obtain the results by running ./cp4.sh. The typescript and ./log files contain the execution logs, and ./action records the behavior of various hosts. ./log/*cli.log include the result of the program. ./log/*trace.log record the program running trace(more detail).

In this task, I constructed the required network topology as follows:


I conducted the experiment following these steps:

  1. Activated all hosts and waited for 10 seconds. Afterward, I printed all routing tables and ARP caches, which displayed the correct information.
  2. Instructed ns1 to send two IP packets to ns4, and it was observed that ns4 successfully received the packets.
  3. Forced ns2 to go offline, waited for 20 seconds, and then printed the routing tables and ARP caches of the other hosts. It was noticed that all entries related to ns2 were correctly removed.
  4. Reactivated ns2 , waited for 10 seconds, and printed all routing tables and ARP caches, which once again displayed the correct information.
  5. Directed ns1 to send two IP packets to ns4 , and it was confirmed that ns4 smoothly received the packets.

This sequence of actions demonstrated the proper functioning of the network topology and the resilience of the implemented routing and ARP protocols.

2.7 Checkpoints 5(CP5)

I implemented this task in checkpoints/CP5. You can obtain the results by running ./cp5.sh. The typescript and ./log files contain the execution logs, and ./action records the behavior of various hosts.

In this task, I constructed the requested network topology:

ns1 --- ns2  --- ns3  --- ns4 
         |       |
        ns5  --- ns6

I conducted the experiment following these steps:

  1. Activated all hosts.
  2. Waited for 10 seconds, then had all hosts print their routing tables. You can verify this in the log/*cli.log file, and all distances were correct.
  3. Forced ns5 to go offline, waited for 15 seconds, and had all other hosts print their routing tables. It was observed that the entries related to ns5 were deleted, and distances were adjusted correctly.
  4. Waited for 5 seconds, reactivated ns5 , and then waited for another 10 seconds. Afterward, all other hosts printed their routing tables. The results were the same as the first time and were correct.

For example, the routing table of ns1 undergoes the following changes:

> setUpHost
Set up the Host.
Add Device veth1-2.
Set IP receive callback.
All added devices below: 
device 0 veth1-2: 
 ether d6:39:5b:d4:6d:07
| IP                             | MAC                            |
|                     | d6:39:5b:d4:6d:07              |
| Destination IP  | Net Mask        | Next Hop IP     | Distance        | Invalid Timer   | Flush Timer     | Valid           |
|      |   |         | 0               | 6               | 4               | 1               |

> sleep 10
Sleep 10 seconds.
> printRouteTable
| Destination IP  | Net Mask        | Next Hop IP     | Distance        | Invalid Timer   | Flush Timer     | Valid           |
|      |   |         | 0               | 5               | 4               | 1               |
|      |   |      | 1               | 5               | 4               | 1               |
|      |   |      | 2               | 5               | 4               | 1               |
|      |   |      | 1               | 5               | 4               | 1               |
|      |   |      | 2               | 5               | 4               | 1               |
|      |   |      | 2               | 5               | 4               | 1               |

> sleep 15
Sleep 15 seconds.
[INFO][RouteTable::route_table_update()] The route item with dst_ip and next_hop has been out of time. Delete it.
[INFO][RouteTable::route_table_update()] The route item with dst_ip and next_hop has been out of time. Delete it.
> printRouteTable
| Destination IP  | Net Mask        | Next Hop IP     | Distance        | Invalid Timer   | Flush Timer     | Valid           |
|      |   |         | 0               | 5               | 4               | 1               |
|      |   |      | 1               | 4               | 4               | 1               |
|      |   |      | 2               | 4               | 4               | 1               |
|      |   |      | 2               | 4               | 4               | 1               |

> sleep 25
Sleep 25 seconds.
> printRouteTable
| Destination IP  | Net Mask        | Next Hop IP     | Distance        | Invalid Timer   | Flush Timer     | Valid           |
|      |   |         | 0               | 5               | 4               | 1               |
|      |   |      | 1               | 5               | 4               | 1               |
|      |   |      | 2               | 5               | 4               | 1               |
|      |   |      | 1               | 5               | 4               | 1               |
|      |   |      | 2               | 5               | 4               | 1               |
|      |   |      | 2               | 5               | 4               | 1               |


Based on the above steps, we can confirm the correctness of the RIP protocol implementation.

2.8 Checkpoints 6(CP6)

To verify the longest prefix matching, I constructed the following network topology:

ns1 --- ns2 --- ns3


  • veth1-2:
  • veth2-1:
  • veth2-3:
  • veth3-2:
  • veth2-4:
  • veth4-2:

When sending an IP packet from to, according to longest prefix matching, it should be received by veth4-2, not veth2-1. After verification, it indeed behaves as expected.

3 Lab 3: Transport-layer

HINTS: I did not implement Hijack Library. Instead, I simply moved the checkpoint/unp.{h, cpp} files to src and moved the checkpoint/{echo_client, echo_server, perf_client, perf_server}.cpp files to src/tests/tcp. I replaced all standard BSD Socket interfaces with wrapped versions (i.e., calling the wrapped BSD Socket as ordinary functions). Then, I compiled them into executable files. Other than these changes, I did not modify any program content. The execution result should be equivalent to using Hijack Library.

3.1 Writing Task 5(WT5)

Open trace.pcap with Wireshark. Answer the following questions.

  1. How many TCP sessions are included in trace.pcap? How many segments are included in each session?(Hint: ”Statistics” button in the menu bar may help you)
  2. We use a four-element tuple ⟨srcIP, srcport, desIP, desport⟩ to identify a TCP connection. Please list the tuples of each TCP connection in trace.pcap.
  3. What is the TCP receive window size in packet No. 86? How is this value calculated?
  1. 2
  2. (, 43120,, 80) and (, 43122,, 80)
  3. 85 x 2^9 = 43520; Packet No.86 TCP.WND = 85, Packet No.72(SYN segment) last TCP option(Shift Count) = 9

3.2 Programming Task 4(PT4)

I have implemented the TCP protocol and the BSD Socket interface in the files TCP.h, TCP.cpp, socket.h, and socket.cpp.

In TCP.h and TCP.cpp, I have implemented the TCP Control Block (TCB), listening socket, and TCP Packet data structures. Additionally, I have implemented TCP callback functions to handle the TCP state machine transitions upon receiving TCP packets.

In device.h and device.cpp, I added socket queues and listening socket queues to manage them uniformly within a single process.

In socket.h and socket.cpp, I implemented the basic BSD Socket functions, thereby completing the entire TCP state machine.

The specific implementation follows the RFC 793 documentation, although it does not include features related to priority management or the urgent data pointer.

3.3 Checkpoint 7(CP7)

In this task, I constructed the following network topology:

ns1 --- ns2

I ran the src/tests/server on ns1 and the src/tests/client on ns2, establishing a connection between the client and server. Subsequently, the client sent information to the server.

The client's output is as follows:

New conection 4.
Send ABC to client.
Read ABC from server.
Close client.
Close server.

I implemented this task in checkpoints/CP7. You can obtain the results by running ./cp7.sh. The typescript and ./log files contain the execution logs. I used tcpdump to capture the outgoing TCP packets from the client and saved them in the file named capture.pcap:

0000   b2 71 88 ea 5c 00 66 82 0f 5a 9d ad 08 00 45 00   .q..\.f..Z....E.
0010   00 28 00 00 40 00 10 06 ee 6b 0a 64 01 01 0a 64   .(..@....k.d...d
0020   01 02 66 27 04 01 6b 8b 45 67 6b 8b 45 68 50 12   ..f'..k.Egk.EhP.
0030   ff ff 50 76 00 00 00 00 00 00                     ..Pv......

TCP Header:

  • Source Port: 0x6627.
  • Destination Port: 0x0401.
  • Sequence Number: 0x6b8b4567.
  • Acknowledgment Number: 0x6b8b4568.
  • Data Offset: 0x5.
  • Flags: 0x012, SYN and ACK set.
  • Window: 0xffff.
  • Checksum: 0x5076.
  • Urgent Pointer: 0x0000.
  • Trailer Zeros.

3.4 Checkpoint 8(CP 8)

I implemented this task in checkpoints/CP8. You can obtain the results by running ./cp8.sh. The typescript and ./log files contain the execution logs. Captured TCP packets are stored in capture.pcap.

In this task, I constructed the following network topology:

ns1 --- ns2

I ran the echo_client on ns1 and the echo_server on ns2, establishing a connection between them. I simulated a 20% packet loss rate using the following command:

sudo ./execNS ns1 sudo tc qdisc add dev veth1-2 root netem loss 20%
sudo ./execNS ns2 sudo tc qdisc add dev veth2-1 root netem loss 20%

The program's output is as follows(recorded in tyepscript):

new connection
6 12 13 14 63 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 87 88 89 1089 2089 3089 4089 4184 5184 6184 7184 8184 8279 9279 10279 11279 12279 12374 13374 14374 15000 all: 15000
loop #1 ok.
new connection
6 12 13 14 63 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 87 88 89 1089 2089 3089 4089 4184 5184 6184 7184 8184 8279 9279 10279 11279 12279 12374 13374 14374 15000 all: 15000
loop #2 ok.
new connection
6 12 13 14 63 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 87 88 89 1089 2089 3089 4089 4184 5184 6184 7184 8184 8279 9279 10279 11279 12279 12374 13374 14374 15000 all: 15000
loop #3 ok.

I used tcpdump to capture the echo_client, and the screenshot is as follows(recorded in capture.pacp):


It can be observed that I achieved reliable transmission in TCP by implementing a retransmission mechanism.

3.5 Checkpoint 9(CP 9)

In this task, I constructed the following network topology:

ns1 --- ns2 --- ns3 --- ns4

I implemented this task in checkpoints/CP9. You can obtain the results by running ./cp9.sh. The typescript and ./log files contain the execution logs, and ./action records the behavior of ns2 and ns3.

In this task, I activated ns2 and ns3. Then, I ran the echo_server on ns4 and the echo_client on ns1, allowing ns1 to send messages to ns4.

The program output is recorded in the typescript as follows:

new connection
6 12 13 14 63 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 87 88 89 1089 2089 3089 4089 4184 5184 6184 7184 8184 8279 9279 10279 11279 12279 12374 13374 14374 15000 all: 15000
loop #1 ok.
new connection
6 12 13 14 63 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 87 88 89 1089 2089 3089 4089 4184 5184 6184 7184 8184 8279 9279 10279 11279 12279 12374 13374 14374 15000 all: 15000
loop #2 ok.
new connection
6 12 13 14 63 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 87 88 89 1089 2089 3089 4089 4184 5184 6184 7184 8184 8279 9279 10279 11279 12279 12374 13374 14374 15000 all: 15000
loop #3 ok.

3.6 Checkpoints 10(CP 10)

In this task, I constructed the following network topology:

ns1 --- ns2 --- ns3 --- ns4

I implemented this task in checkpoints/CP10. You can obtain the results by running ./cp10.sh. The typescript and ./log files contain the execution logs, and ./action records the behavior of ns2 and ns3.

In this task, I activated ns2 and ns3. Then, I ran the perf_server on ns4 and the perf_client on ns1, allowing ns1 to send messages to ns4.

The program output is recorded in the typescript as follows:

sending ...
receiving ...
new connection
24.30 KB/s
sending ...
receiving ...
24.30 KB/s
sending ...
receiving ...
24.28 KB/s
sending ...
receiving ...
29.16 KB/s
sending ...
receiving ...
20.84 KB/s
sending ...
receiving ...
24.31 KB/s
sending ...
receiving ...
24.31 KB/s
sending ...
receiving ...
24.27 KB/s
sending ...
receiving ...
24.31 KB/s
sending ...
receiving ...
29.16 KB/s

Appendix: Running Helper

To get everything running, you don't need to know all the details! You can simply run the following command, and it will prompt you the message:

> bash ./run.sh
Enter choice (CP{1-10}/HANDIN/MAKE/CLEAN):

Typically, you should start by entering "MAKE". This will build the executable files (located in the build directory).

After that, you can choose either "CP1" to "CP10" and it will execute the relevant programs for Checkpoint 1 to Checkpoint 10, respectively, and record the running logs using script.

If you enter "HANDIN", you will get the compressed package ready for submission.

If you enter "CLEAN", it will clear all logs, executable files, and compressed packages.

This script simplifies the process of compiling, running, and managing your project.