- 1
- 1
Wrong criterion generated when using sitemap_includes in the sitemap.xml config
#133 opened by jlecocq - 1
multiple sitemap_includes
#132 opened by HolzwegDev - 1
Allow php >= 8
#130 opened by Craeckerffm - 1
Preview of new translation leads to error
#127 opened by homarx - 1
Disable alternate on Siteaccess not readable
#105 opened by plozmun - 8
- 6
Change config have to provide complete settings
#87 opened by wizhippo - 2
- 2
Add "sitemap_includes" param in config
#118 opened by ChrisMoutsos - 1
Images in Sitemap
#84 opened by HugoFerrant - 1
Default links location from paramater
#86 opened by wizhippo - 1
Use the Default eZ Wildcard Router
#107 opened by Plopix - 1
- 3
Missing Noindex option in Robots.txt
#91 opened by DrSteak - 2
Is SEO data available for headless response?
#52 opened by Mrkisha - 0
Implement autowiring
#71 opened by Plopix - 0
Remove the code related to eZ 1.x
#72 opened by Plopix - 0
PHP 7.1 swag
#73 opened by Plopix - 0
Improve UI in Admin UI
#74 opened by Plopix - 6
2.2 having issues on 1.13
#79 opened by andrerom - 4
- 2
- 0
Asset should support package/ezdesign
#85 opened by wizhippo - 1
Error when 404 page
#89 opened by ibartkiz - 2
- 9
- 3
eZ Platform 2 compatibility
#69 opened by skrosoft - 1
Time for a release?
#67 opened by andrerom - 3
[eZ Platform] Preview when content isDraft
#59 opened by Plopix - 2
Variable "nova_ezseo" does not exist.
#49 opened by Mrkisha - 2
Use consistent, fully-qualified URLs
#39 opened by skrosoft - 6
Sitemap generation redirect to /login
#37 opened by skrosoft - 4
content type view error - missing template block
#35 opened by skrosoft - 10
Error during installing
#34 opened by skrosoft - 2
Error while installing on last eZ Platform
#12 opened by dpobel - 0
Social Network min image size 200x200
#21 opened by ychakroun - 2
exception adding facebook meta og:xxx
#7 opened by ychakroun - 4
The service "novactive.fieldtype.novaseometas.indexable.unindexed" has a dependency on a non-existent parameter "ezpublish.fieldtype.indexable.unindexed.class".
#19 opened by clash82 - 0
Extension 'novaseo' does not have the subdirectory 'modules' allthough it reported it had modules.
#15 opened by clash82 - 2
Editing an object relation or layout block causes the metadata field to lose its value
#11 opened by MaLeprohon - 2
Image url is broken
#8 opened by ychakroun - 1