
Primary LanguageLua


A new way to write custom code for HWRM.

What you get out the box

  • A large and growing library of utility functions for working with ships and players
  • A new way to write code, which works with ships instead of SobGroups
  • An ingame console window
  • Math, table, string and other utils
  • A state management system
  • Freedom to express your ideas in code much more intuitively, without the noise of SobGroup_, Universe_ and Player_ functions, and the string references associated with them.
  • Extremely flexible, can be used simply as a collection of utilities to bolster your own scripting style, or can provide a whole new way of approaching custom code

Use as a mod template:

⚠️ Check out a video version of this very example!

Install degit:

💡 Note: You need git, Node, and npm to use modkit this way.

npm install -g degit

You can now use degit to create new projects using this repo as a template:

degit novaras/modkit my-mod

Then initialise:

cd my-mod

When given the multiple choice question, I recommend the first option if starting a new mod:

Your custom code will live in any file you like within the scripts/custom_code directory:

|- custom_code/
    |- my_script.lua

You can name these files however you like.

Finally, I usually initialise the project's current state as a new git repo:

git init
git add -A
git commit -m "post-setup initial state"

This is optional, although I strongly recommend using a version manager like git or something similar!


An example script, which heals Taiidan Field Frigates by 1/20 of their HP every update call (1s by default):

-- scripts/custom_code/field_frig_code.lua:

tai_fields_prototype = {};

-- define the update method (akin to classic `Update_Tai_FieldFrigate`)
function tai_fields_prototype:update()
	local new_hp = min(self:HP() + (1/20), 1); -- new_hp = smaller of (current hp + 1/20) or 1 [so we don't exceed 1]
	self:HP(new_hp); -- set this ship's hp to new_hp

-- link this definition for ships of type "tai_fieldfrigate"
modkit.compose:addShipProto("tai_fieldfrigate", tai_fields_prototype);

This is now a fully working mod!

This setup process is much faster than extracting big files etc., and the amount of tooling in addition to the large library make modkit a great option for any new mod author!

We don't need to worry about editing the .ship file or anything - the setup process earlier should already have linked field frigates to modkit for you.

Contributing to modkit

Firstly, feel free to create issues: https://github.com/Novaras/modkit/issues

You can also fork the repo and make pull requests.

Talk to me on Discord if you want to contribute directly to modkit (or just ask me (Fear) anything 👍).