🛡 Sanic-JWT-Extended 🛡
☢️ This is README of 1.0 version. Click here to checkout legacy version(v0.4.4)
🚀 What is Sanic-JWT-Extended?
Sanic-JWT-Extended is an open source Sanic extension that provides JWT support (comply with RFC standard)
💡 Why Sanic-JWT-Extended?
Sanic-JWT-Extended not only adds support for using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to Sanic for protecting views, but also many helpful (and optional) features built in to make working with JSON Web Tokens easier. These include:
- Support for adding public claims with namespacing
- Support for adding private claims
- Refresh tokens
- Token freshness and separate view decorators to only allow fresh tokens
- Access control
- blacklist support with some built-in blacklist
- Provides Token object for easier jwt manifulation
⚡️ Installation
$ pip install sanic-jwt-extended --pre
$ poetry add sanic-jwt-extended --git https://github.com/NovemberOscar/Sanic-JWT-Extended.git
$ pipenv install sanic-jwt-extended --pre
📚 Documentation
🛠 Developing Sanic-JWT-Extended
$ make env
this will install dependencies with poetry. if poetry not found, will install poetry.
make format
: this will format your code withisort
make check
: this will lint your code withisort
make clean
: this will remove temporary things.
Commit Convention
$ make check # check convention and type
$ poetry run pytest
with coverage:
$ poetry run pytest --cov=sanic_jwt_extended tests/
Make sure you wrote TCs about your work!