
The Raddle software for Rare-Allele-based Distance of Dispersal Estimation, based on Novembre & Slatkin (2009)

Primary LanguageC

This repository contains programs associated with the following publication:

Likelihood-based inference in isolation-by-distance models using the spatial distribution of low-frequency alleles.
Novembre J, Slatkin M (2009)
Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution 63(11):2914-25 PMID:19624728

The software here is called RADDLE, which is a reddish color, but also b/c it works with the acronym: Rare Allele Distance of DispersaL Estimation.

To install:

  1. Make sure you have gsl installed. On a redhat system you might check by using "rpm -q gsl". If it's not installed, you will have to install it. If you have apt set up, the command would be "apt-get install gsl". On OS X, similar commands work with the port package installer ("sudo port install gsl")

  2. Run the following commands:

cd src make RaddleMC cd ~/bin/

For help: ./RaddleMC

Here's an example usage that calculates only the MLE for each locus based on the input file Example_vx200_vx100_n9_L20.xy with 10,000 importance sampling replicates a driving value of 100 and a heat parameter of 2. It also outputs a two-dimensional likelihood surface from 80 to 250 with 5 grid-points in each dimension:

./RaddleMC -S 10 20 -d 2 -n 3 -M 10000 -f ../example/Example_vx200_vx100_n9_L20 -v 100 -H 2 -s 80 250 5 1 -P

Note that the .xy needs to be dropped when the filename is passed to the program (possibly annoying I know...). Also, the file has 20 loci, but I've set "-n 3" in the example so that this run will only analyze the first three loci.

The input format for 2-dimensional data begins with a simple header line: "LocusID f nAlleles x y." The rest of the data set is arranged in rows. For each locus, there is one row for each copy of the allele observed. The first three columns of each row are identical for each locus. They contain the LocusID, f (the sampling fraction at that locus), and the number of alleles observed at the locus. The last two columns (if the data are two-dimensional) are the x and y positions of that particular allele. For 1-d data, the header line is "Locus ID f nAlleles x" and the data rows lack the y coordinate.

The .MLEout file will have a number of lines that begin with # marks. These lines output the parameters that were used for running the program as well as results on the distribution of the importance sampling weights. The MLE results are output as table below the # lines. The idea is that the file can easily be read in as a table by R, b/c R recognizes "#" lines as comments.

Each line of the results table is organized as: Column1: LocusID or for the joint MLE the identifier "AllLoci" is used. Column 2,3,4: The MLE for the constrained model (Sig_x^2=Sig_y^2), followed by the lower and upper confidence interval boundaries. Column 5,6,7: The MLE for Sig_x^2 followed by the lower and upper confidence interval boundaries. Column 8,9,10: The MLE for Sig_y^2 followed by the lower and upper confidence interval boundaries. Column 11,12: The log likelihood for the constrained model, followed by the log of the standard error on the estimate of the likelihood Column 13,14: The log likelihood for the unconstrained model, followed by the log of the standard error on the estimate of the likelihood

The example above uses an option that is summarized in the help as: " -s Min Sig2, Max Sig2, nGridPoints, CalcMultiDimSurf" This option is for doing grid-based searches of the likelihood surface. It's useful when the hill-climbing algorithm used by default doesn't converge (in which case an error message will be returned) or if you want to ouput actual likelihood surfaces for closer inspection. The first three parameters determine the range over which the grid is laid out and how many points it has in each dimension. The last parameter is a boolean, such that if 1, then it will calculate the 2-d likelihood surface for the unconstrained model, if 0, it will only do a 1-d curve (the constrained model). The output file is .MCout, which has a header similar to MLEout, but the data table is such that each row has a locusID, SigX gridpoint, SigY gridpoint, the sampling fraction, then the LogL at that gridpoint, and it's corresponding standard error.


  1. If you do not use the -P option, the program will only calculate and output the "AllLoci" MLE. This results in faster performance if you're not interested in MLEs from each locus.

  2. If you do not use the -s option, the program will not calculate the grid-based likelihood surface. It will still output MLEs based on the hill-climbing algorithm, so if you only care about the MLE and not the likelihood surface, this results in much faster finishing times.

  3. The standard error for the "AllLoci" estimation is always -inf, b/c I never finished implementing it (it's a little trickier to calculate the SE of an estimate that is a product of values that are individually with error. And just for perspective, I don't place much value on the standard errors calculated b/c they're only safe to interpret as actual standard errors when the distribution of importance sampling weights is not skewed (which is not necessarily typical).