
The project is built with Nuxt3, it uses Pinia as state management and Histoire as design system.

Primary LanguageVue

Nuxt 3 Boilerplate

Nuxt version Node version

Demo: https://novicell-nuxt3-boilerplate.netlify.app

Look at the nuxt 3 documentation to learn more.


  • Nuxt 3
  • TypeScript
  • Vite
  • PostCSS

Practical information

The project is built with Nuxt3, it uses Pinia as state management and Histoire as design system. Furthermore the https://vueuse.org/core/ is installed, so please use the composables from here instead of building everything from scratch.


Make sure that your IDE is ready: https://v3.nuxtjs.org/getting-started/quick-start

Create a .env file by copying the .env.example file

cp .env.example .env

Make sure to install the dependencies:

npm i

Development Server

Start the development server on http://localhost:3000

npm run dev


Build the application for production:

npm run build

Locally preview production build:

npm run preview

Other commands

# Linters
$ npm run eslint // Run ESLint
$ npm run eslint:fix // Run ESLint and fix fixable issues

$ npm run stylelint // Run Stylelint
$ npm run stylelint:fix // Run Stylelint and fix fixable issues

$ npm run lint // Run all linters
$ npm run lint:fix // Run all linters fix fixable issues

# Histoire
$ npm story:dev // Run Histoire
$ npm story:build // Build Histoire
$ npm story:preview // Preview Histoire


The application is setup to run on Docker when deploying it to production. To run a production build on local make sure to first have Docker Desktop installed

After that run the docker-compose command in root dir

docker-compose up --build

The site will when be available on http://localhost:3001

Extra features

Nuxt Image

This project uses Nuxt Image Edge for rendering images using a custom provider for supporting Image Sharp wrapped in a base component.

    :modifiers="{ mode: 'crop'}"

For more information, please read the docs: https://v1.image.nuxtjs.org/components/nuxt-img

Nuxt Icons

We use Nuxt Icons for loading in icons which inlines the SVG code at build time.

  <NuxtIcon name="novicell" />


Most of the websites we build only has a single language, which means that it's not necessary to use a big i18n library. We therefore built a custom i18n module that simply loads translations from a YAML file located at locales/da.yaml. We mocked the same syntax as other i18n plugins which means that it should be easy to switch it out with an official library if needed.


  Generic: An error occurred


<p>{{ $t('ErrorMessages.Generic') }}</p>