
Backbone for Client/Server application for Web/Android/iOS and node.js with built-in ES6 syntax support.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#OSNOVA: Client+Server application template

###bI Backbone for Client/Server application for Android/iOS and browsers and node.js with built-in ES6 syntax support. Wow such ready-to-go much time to watch anime.


  • Cordova for building Android/iOS mobile application.
  • Cutting edge features of ES6 on any environment.
  • Express.js as core of web server.
  • Mongoose for working with database.
  • Socket.IO for real-time client-server communication.
  • Webpack for building client code for web and mobile.


####via git (preferable)

git clone git@github.com:Noviel/osnova-application-template.git <your-application-name>

####or via download


and uznip to new project directory.

####or via npm

npm install osnova-application-template

and then cut'n'paste content of /node_modules/osnova-application-template to the root of your project.



  • Go to <your-application-name> root directory.
  • Delete .git directory.
  • npm run prepare to install dependencies.
  • Set in package.json information about your application.


You can skip this step, if you don't need mobile application. Android/iOS SDKs must be installed in order to build it.

Install Cordova CLI if u don't have it yet:

npm install -g cordova

Install Cordova's dependencies:

npm run prepare-mobile

Put your application information in /mobile/config.xml.


  • Write some cool code in src/client and src/server folders.

index.js in both directories are entry points for web-client/server. index.mobile.js is an entry point for mobile application.

This system is server-first in some aspects. Common code used at the server and at the client is treated as more server-side and should be located in src/server/. On a client you can just write require('../server/your-common-lib') and it will be compiled by Webpack on the build step.

/dev.tools/ - for development stage helpers (Webpack config, Gulp, etc). /private/- for server-only compiled resources such as templates. /public/ - for public web client files. /server/ - for compiled server code.

/mobile/ is location of the Cordova's project. In /mobile/www/ folder are placed compiled files that ready to be built by Cordova.


  • npm run build-server to build server code. Babel transpiles server's code and puts it into /server/ directory.

  • npm run build-client to build client code for web. Webpack compiles from /src/client/ to a single index.js transpiled to ES5 by Babel and puts it in /public/js/.

  • npm run build-client-mobile to build client code for mobile. Webpack compiles from /src/client/ to a single index.js transpiled to ES5 by Babel and puts it in /mobile/www/js/.

  • npm run build - build server and web client.


  • cd mobile
  • cordova build <android|ios>

See more at Cordova's documentation.


  • Run some tests.


  • Launch your application in production.