
Configure webpack quickly and without pain

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Webpack Features

Make Webpack configuration process quick and painless.



yarn add webpack-features --dev


npm install webpack-features --save-dev


Presets provide complete configuration that can be used directly by Webpack.


Preset suitable for most applications with following features: ESNext syntax, CSS and media files loading, production/development environment, browsers/node.js targets and other (see options). Preset makes following assumption about structure of the project:

  • src/index.js - entry point of an application
  • src/index.html - html-template
  • static - output directory, index.html will be placed here
  • static/dist - bundled assets directory


  • for node target default output directory is server
  • CSS modules is enabled for *.module.css files (based on styles feature design decisions)

Despite the fact that preset does not need any options, there are many parameters to customize behavior.

Basic usage:

// webpack.config.js
const { base } = require('webpack-features');

module.exports = base({
  entry: { index: './src/main.js' },
  publicPath: './public/',

Complete list of options with default values:

    // for multiple entries use object
    // entry = {
    //  index: './src/index.js',
    //  other: './src/other.js',
    // }
    entry = './src/index.js',

    // array with strings of frameworks
    // 'react' - for React support
    // other frameworks are coming soon..
    frameworks = [],

    production = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',

    // selects the target, one of `node` or `browser` should be truthy
    // node: if 'true' target will be set to 'current` node 
    node = false,
    // browser: allowed values: 'legacy', 'modern' or [string]
    // [string] - is a browserlist format, see https://github.com/browserslist/browserslist
    browser = !node,

    // enables hot reloading
    hot = false,

    // list of the defines for `define` feature
    defines = {},

    // will be used in html-webpack-plugin as a template
    // set to falsy value to not use html-webpack-plugin
    template = './src/index.html',

    // absolute path of the project root directory
    rootPath = fs.realpathSync(process.cwd()),

    // webpack's publich path
    publicPath = !production || node || hot ? '/' : '/dist/',

    // relative path for a built assets output
    distPath = browser ? 'static/dist/' : 'server',

    // which type syntax should be used
    // can be:
    //  - flow
    //  - typescript
    types = 'none',

    // CSS preprocessors
    // should be an array of strings
    // empty array - vanilla CSS
    // can contain 'scss' and 'less'
    cssPreprocessors = [],

    // patterns to exclude from style loaders
    cssExclude = false,

    // use external babel configuration
    babelrc = false,

    // patterns to exclude from babel transformations
    babelExclude = /node_modules/,

    // add polyfills for features unsupported by environment
    // 'inject' - add an entire babel polyfill to every entry,
    //            so you don't need to import it from the code
    // 'usage' - use @babel/preset-env to find only needed polyfills
    //           and automatically import them
    // true|'entry' - use @babel/preset-env, but you need to 
    //                write `import "@babel/polyfill"` in the code
    // false - don't use polyfills
    babelPolyfill = 'usage',

    // support for WebWorkers
    webWorkers = true,

    // should build library instead of application
    // string will be used as a library name,
    library = false,

    // list of external imports that should not be bundled
    // for example: `node_modules` for node target will be added to externals automatically
    externals = [],

    // for build for node target
    // array of strings or regular expressions which will be bundled
    // usefull if you are using workspaces and include one package from another
    externalsWhitelist = undefined,

    // path to `node_modules` to exclude them if needed
    modulesDir = 'node_modules',

    // output html filename
    // by default we want it to be at the root of the public folder
    // and because of default `distPath` the root is one level higher
    // but for `hot` reloading we should point to the virtual `index.html`
    indexHtml: `${hot || !production ? '' : '../'}index.html`,

    // false - do not support WebAssembly
    // 'builtin' - use builtin Webpack WebAssembly loader
    // `inline` - use specific loader, do not output *.wasm files, 
    //            embed code in JavaScript
    wasm = 'builtin',

    // add debug information output on bundling stage
    debug = false
  featuresOptionsOverrides = {},
  webpackConfigOverrides = {},

Second and third parameters are objects with optional config extensions.

featuresOptionsOverrides can be used in case preset is not providing needed options for features. Every option is an object named exactly like corresponding feature. These options will be flat merged with overrides to the features options generated by the preset.

  {/* features options */},
    // this will remove eslint-loader from resulting config
    javascript: {
      eslint: false

webpackConfigOverrides is a last resort! It can be used to add something to the config not provided by features. Should look like entries of the standard webpack config. Will be flat merged and therefore entries will completely override top-level options (e.g. entry, output, module) generated by features.

  {/* features options */},
  {/* featuresOptionsOverrides must be here even is empty */},
    // this will completely override `output` field!
    output: {
      chunkFilename: '[name].chunk.js',
      filename: '[name].js',
      path: 'my-crazy-path',
      publicPath: '/',


Preset with React support. It accepts same options as base preset. Usage:

// webpack.config.js
const { react } = require('webpack-features');

module.exports = react({
  entry: { index: './src/main.js' },
  publicPath: './public/',



If the above presets do not provide the necessary functionality or you want to create your own preset, you can use features that are the building blocks and the core of webpack-features.


Package's default export is an initializing function that returns object with features.



  • env: object, required
    • target: object, required
      • name: 'browser'|'node'
      • value: 'modern'|'legacy'|'string'|undefined
    • production: boolean, required
    • rootPath: string, absolute path to the project's root, default: process.cwd()
    • publicPath: string, default: '/'
    • distPath: string, relative path for output assets, default: 'dist'
    • debug: boolean, output debug information on bundling stage, default: false

env defines an environment for which the config should be created. if env.target.value is undefined, will be used browserlist sources for browser target.

// webpack.config.js
const createFeatures = require('webpack-features');

const env = {
  target: { browsers: 'modern' },
  production: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
  publicPath: '/',

const features = createFeatures(env);

Then you can destructure result of initializing to get features.

const { createConfig, entry, javascript, styles } = createFeatures(env);


Main function that creates complete final webpack config from features. Can accept native Webpack's config object's parts.



  • args: list of features and/or objects to be merged
const { createConfig, entry, javascript, styles } = createFeatures(env);

module.exports = createConfig(
  // feature
  entry({ index: './src/index.js' }),
  // object with the standard webpack config part
    output: {
      path: DIST_PATH,
      filename: '[name].js',


Include entries to the config.



  • options: object
    • entries: object where keys are entries names and values are strings or arrays of strings with paths. required
    • options: object
      • polyfill: boolean - should include babel-polyfill into every entry. default: true for 'legacy' browsers target, otherwise false
      • hotMiddleware: boolean - should include express middleware for hot reloading. default: false
  entries: { index: './src/index.js' },
  polyfill: true,
  hotMiddleware: true,


Define where to output the resulting bundle.



  • options: object
    • filename: string name of the output file. default: for production '[name].[chunkhash:8].js', otherwise '[name].js'.
    • chunkFilename: string, name of chunks. default: for production '[name].[chunkhash:8].js', otherwise '[name].js'.
    • library: string | boolean. Used for building libraries, not applications. default: false.
    • libraryTarget: string, type of the library module system. Used if library is not false. default: 'umd'
  filename: '[name]-[chunkhash].js',


Includes in the config support of a modern javascript syntax. It uses babel and babel-preset-env. Preset's config depends on the provided env.target


  • options: object
    • babelrc: boolean, use external babel configuration. default: false.
    • babelPlugins: array of strings, additional babel plugins.
    • polyfill: 'usage'|'entry'|false, apply @babel/preset-env for @babel/polyfill. default: 'entry' for legacy browsers.
    • syntaxEnhance: boolean, should include non-standard language features. Includes object rest spread, decorators, class properties, dynamic import. default: true
    • eslint: boolean, should include eslint for linting before transpiling. default: true
    • react: boolean, should include react syntax support. default: true
    • flow: boolean, should include flow support. default: true
    • typescript: 'strict'|'migration'|false, add support for TypeScript. true value is treated as 'strict' default: false
    • tsOptions: object, ts-loader options. default: {}
    • modules: transform modules to specific format. false - do not transpile. default: false for browsers, commonjs for node
    • hot: boolean, should include support for hot reloading. defaul: true for non-production browsers target
    • exclude: items to exclude from loading. default: /node_modules/
    • workers: boolean, add support for WebWorkers. default: true
  // for example: we do not want to include every extended syntax plugin, but want specific one
  babelPlugins: ['transform-object-rest-spread'],
  syntaxEnhance: false,

You should yarn add typescript --dev in order to use TypeScript. There are two default modes for TypeScript: migration and strict. One of built-in tsconfig.json files will be used depending on mode by default. Or you can use your own tsconfig.json pointing to this file in javascript feature options:

  typescript: true,
  tsOptions: {
    configFile: require.resolve(`../tsconfig.json`),

Adds babel-plugin-emotion to the config.

const { emotion } = require('webpack-features');
/* ... */
javacript(config, [emotion(options)])


  • options: object
    • hoist: boolean, default: production
    • sourceMap: boolean, default: !production
    • autoLabel: boolean, default: !production


Add support for WebAssembly.



  • options: object
    • inline: boolean - embed WebAssembly code into JavaScript. Multiple entries of the same code will be embedded for every entry. default: false
    • builtin: boolean - enable Webpack 4 WebAssembly builtin loader. default: true
webAssembly({ inline: true, builtin: false )


Adds support for styles.



  • options: object
    • preprocessors - array of strings, can include 'scss', 'less'. default: []
    • cssModules - one of: 'both' - use global CSS and CSS Modules, 'only' - only CSS Modules, 'exclude' - only global CSS. default: 'both'
    • extract - boolean, should extract styles to external file. default: true if production and browsers target
    • extractPlugin - boolean, should add extract plugin to plugins list. default: same as extract
    • extractFilename - string, name of the file for extraction. default: '[name].css'
    • postcss - false means do not use postcss. Otherwise it should be a callback that returns a postcss config. It will be called as postcss({ target, production }), so you can conditionally include/exclude postcss parts. default: config with precss and autoprefixer based on browsers target.
    • exclude - items to exclude from processing. default: [/node_modules/]

Supports Sass/less preprocessors, but you should manually add corresponding packages if you want to use them.


yarn add node-sass sass-loader --dev


yarn add less less-loader --dev

Important note: CSS Modules (if enabled) will be applied to files with extension .module.{css|less|scss} only.

  preprocessors: ['scss'],
  cssModules: 'only',
  extract: false,

  postcss({ target, production }) {
    return {
      plugins: []
        .concat(production ? autoprefixer: [])

  exclude: false,


Loads media files.



  • limit: integer, if the file is smaller then a limit, it will be encoded as a DataURL. default: 10000
  • name: string, modifies name of the file. default: for production '[name].[ext]', otherwise 'media/[hash:8].[ext]'

See url-loader for more info.

media({ limit: 4096, name: 'assets/media/[hash:8].[ext]' })


Add readable consistent names for chunks and modules.



  • options: object
    • chunkName: function(chunk), chunk naming function.


Set Webpack's target to node.



Should be included in the Webpack's config for browsers. It mocks some node modules that should not being used in browsers. See here.


Compile-time code replacement. See DefinePlugin.



  • options: object
    • NODE_ENV: false|any, defines process.env.NODE_ENV. false - NODE_ENV will not be defined, otherwise will set NODE_ENV to provided one. default: based on env.production, so if you need to define correct NODE_ENV, omit this key.
    • ...defines: values. Every key will be defined as process.env.key to it's value.
    • $prefix: string, will be added to the every key as a prefix. It is not the best idea to override it, but it is possible. The prefix for NODE_ENV will still stay the default one. default: 'process.env.'
  NODE_ENV: 'test',
  API_URL: 'http://api-provider.com/',
// in client code:
// -> will be transpiled to console.log('test')
// -> console.log('http://api-provider.com/')


Add externals. Should be added to config for node to exclude node_modules from being bundled.



  • options: object
    • react: boolean, add react to externals. Usefull for libraries. default: false
    • list: array, additional list of externals. default: []
    • whitelist: array, these entries will be bundled. default: [/\.(?!(?:jsx?|json)$).{1,5}$/i] to bundle any non-JS files from node_modules
    • modulesDir: string, path to node_modules. default: node_modules
  react: true
  list: [
      lodash : {
        commonjs: "lodash",
        amd: "lodash",
        root: "_" // indicates global variable


Add optimizations for bundles: minimizing, code splitting.



  • options: object
    • minimize: boolean, minimize bundle code. default: production.
    • split: boolean, should split code to runtime, vendors, main bundles. default: true for browsers target in production mode.
  minimize: false,
  split: true,
// production browsers config

const webpack = require('webpack');

const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const CleanWebpackPlugin = require('clean-webpack-plugin');

const createFeatures = require('webpack-features');

const root = ROOT_PATH;
const dist = DIST_PATH;

const publicPath = 'dist/';

const env = {
  target: { browsers: 'legacy' },
  production: true,

const {
} = createFeatures(env);

module.exports = createConfig(
  entry({ index: './src/client/index.js' }),
    preprocessors: ['css'],
    cssModules: 'both',
    output: {
      path: dist,
      filename: '[name].[chunkhash].js',
      chunkFilename: '[name].[chunkhash].js',
    plugins: [
      new webpack.DefinePlugin({
        'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"production"',

      new CleanWebpackPlugin(['static/dist'], {
    plugins: [
      new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
        template: './src/client/index.html',
        filename: '../index.html',