Welcome to Sessions API!

About this project

This is API to manage a data session

This starter project

This starter project already contains some basic library like:

  • Express
  • Already installed Sequelize
  • Already installed Mysql2
  • Already installed Bycript
  • Already installed Nodemon

How to run the project

You need to install required dependencies (libraries) by typing in the terminal

npm install

Then you can run this project by:

  • Using node
    npm start
  • Using nodemon
    npm run dev

To generate the database you can run this :

  • Create database
sequelize db:create
  • Create table/migration
sequelize db:migrate

Enviroment Variables

This project uses environment variables likes :

  • DB_HOST=""
  • PORT=

Or you can see on the file .env.example

Postman Documentation
