
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Product API!

About this project

This is an API to manage data company, goods stock and its transactions.

This starter project

This starter project already contains some basic library like:

  • Express
  • Already installed PostgreSQL
  • Already installed Bycript
  • Already installed Nodemon

How to run the project

You need to install required dependencies (libraries) by typing in the terminal

npm install

Then you can run this project by:

  • Using node
    npm start
  • Using nodemon
    npm run dev

Enviroment Variables

This project uses environment variables likes :

  • DB_DATABASE="kickin"
  • DB_HOST=""
  • PORT=

Auto import function

Auto import can be used in all of controller, middleware, and helper functions

Database Diagram


Postman Documentation



The answer for code test available under logicRoute :

  • {{url}}/api/fibonacci
  • {{url}}/api/longestword