
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Products API!

About this project

This is API to manage a data product.

This starter project

This starter project already contains some basic library like:

  • Express
  • Already installed Sequelize
  • Already installed Mysql2
  • Already installed Bycript
  • Already installed Nodemon

How to run the project

You need to install required dependencies (libraries) by typing in the terminal

npm install

Then you can run this project by:

  • Using node
    npm start
  • Using nodemon
    npm run dev

To generate the database you can run this :

  • Create database
sequelize db:create
  • Create table/migration
sequelize db:migrate
  • Seeding data product
sequelize db:seed:all

Enviroment Variables

This project uses environment variables likes :

  • DB_HOST=""
  • PORT=

Or you can see on the file .env.example

Postman Documentation


Test Answer

  1. Apakah Kegunaan JSON pada REST API? JSON digunakan sebagai file format standar pertukaran data pada REST API. Alasan mengapa mengguanakan JSON adalah :

    • Format pertukaran data tekstual yang ringan
    • Sintaksnya sederhana dan jelas dibandikan XML
    • Dapat digunakan pada berbagai bahasa pemograman. (Properti ini menjadikan JSON bahasa pertukaran data yang ideal.)
  2. controller/userController.js , pada bagian login menggunakan bcyript compare untuk membandingkan karena password telah di hash saat masuk ke dalam database.

  3. biodata.json

  4. products.sql

  5. controller/productController.js

  6. https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/13621678/TVsyg6S4

    • then go to side bar
    • choose product and choose count product
  • Or see this screenshoot below: example request of count.png example response of count.png