
Commit style

As we stated in a badge above, our project is commitizen-friendly. All of our commits follow the commitizen format:

<type>(<optional_scope>): <subject>


fix(transfers): fixed rerouting bug for cash by code transfer operation

Please see files cash.ts and cash.service.ts and take a look at new private methods. Make sure you understand new rerouting algorithm.
feat: implemented new authorization logic for trusted users

Note that <scope> is optional, but we highly encourage to include JIRA ticket ID, for example STR-777.

  • Make sure you run npm install at the beginning

Please use commitizen command-line tool for generating commit messages if you feel uncomfortable manually writing all these strongly-formatted messages (we all do). After running git add, run git cz instead of regular commit command. You will be taken through message building steps.

Other scripts

For create new peer you can use the command telnet, for example
telent localhost 999