
This project was created to be used for development, it's not for production

Primary LanguageShell

Dockerizing iDempiere

This project was created to be used for development, it's not for production

Commands needed: make, docker-compose, python, wget, jar.

Docker Version

  • docker-compose: 1.17.1
  • docker-compose.yml: 3.4
  • docker: 18.06.0-ce

Getting Started

make download init
make up


make download gets the daily idempiere version

make extract extracts zip file (needs download)

make config executes the console-setup (needs db-up)

make import-db creates database (needs db-up)

make build creates containers

make up runs the application (needs init)

make db-up runs postgres only

make down stops the application

make delete deletes containers and volumes

make show shows the current containers (needs up)

make log shows the logs (needs up)

make init starts the configuration (needs db-up)

make console opens idempiere container (needs run)

Default Accounts

The following users and passwords are part of the initial seed database:

Usage User Password
System Management System System
System Management or any role/company SuperUser System
Sample Client Administration GardenAdmin GardenAdmin
Sample Client User GardenUser GardenUser

Path: http://localhost:8080/webui/