
This repository contains the source code for the POS application using JavaFX and MySQL.

Primary LanguageJava

POS Application

This repository contains the source code for the POS application using JavaFX and MySQL.

Getting Started

Follow these instructions to set up and run the project on your local machine.


  • Java 17 or higher
  • MySQL 8.0 or higher
  • JavaFX
  • Scene Builder


  1. Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/NovqiGarrix/pos-javafx
  2. Import the database
    mysql -u root -p < migrations.sql


Intellij IDEA provided a simple way to run the application. Just click the green arrow button in the top right corner of the IDE.

Compile to JAR

  1. Open the project in Intellij IDEA
  2. Go to File > Project Structure > Artifacts
  3. Click the + button and select JAR > Empty
  4. Click OK
  5. Click OK again
  6. Go to Build > Build Artifacts > Build
  7. The JAR file will be generated in the out folder

Create Installer

You have to compile the project to JAR first before creating the installer, because we're going to need the JAR file.

jpackage --name AppName --input out/artifacts/pos_jar --main-jar pos_javafx.jar --main-class com.novqigarrix.pos.HelloApplication --type app-image

Available app image formats:

  • dmg
  • pkg
  • rpm
  • deb
  • exe
  • msi