Income & Expense Tracker Web App

🛠 Installation ⚒

Step 1
git clone
composer install
Step 2
  1. rename .env.example to .env
  2. add the database name file to .env and other configuration in .env file
Step 3
php artisan migrate
Step 4
php artisan key:generate
Step 5 (Optional)
php artisan db:seed
Step 6
php artisan serve

🥇 Special Feature 🥇

  1. ✅ App is easy to use because it doesn't has complex feature.
  2. ✅ We have list all of archive data.
  3. ✅ User is able to restore of their data when they archive it
  4. ✅ On Dashboard user is alble to view their montly and dialy expense.
  5. ✅ User must login in order to use the app, so it secure for their data.

📒 Database Structure 📒

Midter Dabase Structure

🏔 Sitemap 🏔

Sitemap App

🖥 Reference 🖥