
The Isogenic Game Engine - Prototype Version

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Isogenic Game Engine

HTML5 2D and isometric scenegraph-based game engine written entirely in JavaScript.

Latest Updates & Changelog


Main Features

  • Full un-obfuscated source code
  • Advanced networking system with built-in server
  • Particle system
  • Scenegraph-based rendering pipeline
  • Tile maps
  • Box2D physics component for easy integration with 2d and isometric games
  • Multiple viewport support
  • Tweening support
  • Cell-based animation support
  • Native and font-sheet text support


After downloading or cloning this repository, if you plan to use the multiplayer aspects of the engine you should run (assumes that you cloned / extracted the engine repository to /ige)**:

cd /ige/server
npm install

This will automatically download and install any required Node.js modules.

** You must have Node.js installed for the installation to work


There are a lot of examples in the ./examples folder. Please see the ./examples/readme.md file for more information about running the examples.




Head over to the official help & support forum: http://www.isogenicengine.com/forum

Feedback & Support

If you have any comments, questions, requests etc please don't hesitate to discuss them on the forum!


You may use the IGE for non-commercial, educational or hobbyist purposes for free subject to the terms and conditions set forth below.

Premium licenses can be obtained from the official website: http://www.isogenicengine.com

Terms & Conditions

If you wish to create a game that utilises the IGE and generates income from any source connected to the game via online means (this includes in-game purchases, banner adverts in the game or on the page the game runs on, bank transfers that were originated offline but were meant for in-game purchases etc) then you need to purchase a license for the engine. Examples of income that is not counted as requiring a license are t-shirts featuring the game or game art, accessories or other real-world items that are not part of the "digital" game etc. You can purchase a license from our website listed below.

You also require a license if you are using the engine as a registered / limited company for any reason.

Intellectual Property, Ownership & Copyright

(C)opyright 2013 Irrelon Software Limited http://www.irrelon.com

Prototype Version

Some of the art and assets that are included in the premium version are not included in the free (prototype) version because of licensing issues.