Hubspot Vue 3 Boilerplate

This is a boilerplate for Hubspot themes using Vue 3 and vue/cli. It is based on the cms vue boilerplate

Hubspot setup

npm install -g @hubspot/cli
  1. Create hubspot config file to be able to upload your theme to hubspot
    hs init
  2. Change default portal variable in vue.config.js
    const defaultPortal = 'dev' <-- change this to the name of your portal in hubspot.config.yml
  3. Change the destination folder to match your theme folder in hubspot
    const destination = 'hubspot-vue-boilerplate';

Project setup

  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Build and upload to hubspot
    1. Used to build and upload once
      npm run build
    2. Used to build and upload when changes occur
      npm run watch

Create a new module

When creating a new module you need to do a couple of things.

  1. Duplicate the text.module folder and change the folder- and filenames to match the correct module
  2. Also change the label in mete.json
  3. Remove all fields in fields.json escept the module_name. Set the default value of the module_name to the module name. This is used when rendering the module.
  4. Go into App.vue and add the module to the modules array by setting the key to the module name (same as module_name field) and module to the imported module.
  5. Make any changes you want to the modules .vue file.


If you have any suggestions or improvements please feel free to reach out or create a pull request

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