
Riak's Java client

Primary LanguageJava

Riak Java client v2.0

This branch of the Riak Java Client is for the new v2.0 client, to be used with Riak 2.0.

Previous versions:

riak-client-1.4.4 - For use with Riak 1.4.x

riak-client-1.1.4 - For use with < Riak 1.4.0

This client is published to Maven Central and can be included in your project by adding:



Version 2.0 of the Riak Java client is a completely new codebase. It relies on Netty4 in the core for handling network operations and all operations can be executed synchronously or asynchronously.

Getting started with the 2.0 client.

The new client is designed to model a Riak cluster:

RJC model

The easiest way to get started with the client is using one of the static methods provided to instantiate and start the client:

RiakClient client = 

The RiakClient object is thread safe and may be shared across multiple threads.

For more complex configurations, you can instantiate a RiakCluster from the core packages and supply it to the RiakClient constructor.

RiakNode.Builder builder = new RiakNode.Builder();
List<String> addresses = new LinkedList<String>();

List<RiakNode> nodes = RiakNode.Builder.buildNodes(builder, addresses);
RiakCluster cluster = new RiakCluster.Builder(nodes).build();
RiakClient client = new RiakClient(cluster)

Once you have a client, commands from the com.basho.riak.client.api.commands.* packages are built then executed by the client.

Some basic examples of building and executing these commands is shown below.

Getting Data In

Namespace ns = new Namespace("default", "my_bucket");
Location location = new Location(ns, "my_key");
RiakObject riakObject = new RiakObject();
StoreValue store = new StoreValue.Builder(riakObject)
  .withOption(Option.W, new Quorum(3)).build();

Getting Data Out

Namespace ns = new Namespace("default","my_bucket");
Location location = new Location(ns, "my_key");
FetchValue fv = new FetchValue.Builder(location).build();
FetchValue.Response response = client.execute(fv);
RiakObject obj = response.getValue(RiakObject.class);

Using 2.0 Data Types (Maps & Registers)

A bucket type must be created (in all local and remote clusters) before 2.0 data types can be used. In the example below, it is assumed that the type "my_map_type" has been created and associated to the "my_map_bucket" prior to this code executing.

Once a bucket has been associated with a type, all values stored in that bucket must belong to that data type.

Namespace ns = new Namespace("my_map_type", "my_map_bucket");
Location location = new Location(ns, "my_key");
RegisterUpdate ru1 = new RegisterUpdate(BinaryValue.create("map_value_1"));
RegisterUpdate ru2 = new RegisterUpdate(BinaryValue.create("map_value_2"));
MapUpdate mu = new MapUpdate();
mu.update("map_key_1", ru1);
mu.update("map_key_2", ru2);
UpdateMap update = new UpdateMap.Builder(location, mu).build();

RiakCommand subclasses

Fetching, storing and deleting objects

Listing keys in a namespace

Secondary index (2i) commands

Fetching and storing datatypes (CRDTs)

Querying and modifying buckets

Search commands
