PowerShell Module designed to make use of Microsoft.Data.Tools.MSBuild.
To test all the scripts locally
C:\..\PoshSSDTBuildDeploy> cd tests
C:\..\PoshSSDTBuildDeploy\tests> .\Invoke-Tests.ps1
Executing all tests in '.\*.Tests.ps1'
Executing script C:\projects\PoshSSDTBuildDeploy\tests\Install-MicrosoftDataToolsMSBuild.Tests.ps1
Describing Install-MicrosoftDataToolsMSBuild
[+] should install MicrosoftDataToolsMSBuild 10.0.61026 91ms
Describing Publish-DatabaseDeployment
[+] throws exception if not at least one of GenerateDeploymentScript or GenerateDeploymentReport is true when using ScriptOnly 73ms
[+] throws exception if Script Path is Invalid 55ms
Tests completed in 36.66s
Tests Passed: 12, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0, Pending: 0, Inconclusive: 0
Consult the /tests/*.Tests.ps1
files in the repo for samples of how to use this module to build and deploy.
Each Function should have it's own helping headers... eventually.
The basic process is
- Set up variables to build and deploy
- Check if VS Build Tools 2017 is Installed and Install if not
- Install Microsoft.Data.Tools.MSBuild.
- Build sqlproj file
- Deploy DACPAC
Use either Get-LocalDb2016 or Get-LocalSB2016NuGet to download the LocalDB MSI to a working folder. Then pas MSI when executing Install-LocalDB2016.
All of these functions can be re-run, so if MSI already downloaded or LocalDB already installed then it won't re-try.
This test script includes a step to create a localdb instance to deploy to. Therefore this test script shouldrun without having to set up anything else.
Use Install-VsBuildTools2017 to check if latest MSBuild Tools is installed. If not then function will download and install. Elevated permissions are required!
Use Invoke-MsBuildSSDT, passing in the file path to the solution or the project. The path to Data.Tools.MSBuild is also required -
$WWI = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "wwi-dw-ssdt"
$WWI_SLN = Join-Path $WWI "\WideWorldImportersDW.sqlproj"
$WWI_DAC = Join-Path $WWI "\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Msbuild\lib\net46"
Install-MicrosoftDataToolsMSBuild -WorkingFolder $WWI
Invoke-MsBuildSSDT -DatabaseSolutionFilePath $WWI_SLN -DataToolsFilePath $WWI_DAC
The above sample set the path to the directory where the sqlproj file is, and also used this as the working directory to download the NuGet package. This means the dlls etc were local to the project.
Use $lastexitcode
when invoking the function Invoke-MSBuildSSDT
. This will tell you if the build is successful or not.
$WWI = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "wwi-dw-ssdt"
$WWI_SLN = Join-Path $WWI "\WideWorldImportersDW.sqlproj"
$WWI_DAC = Join-Path $WWI "\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Msbuild\lib\net46"
Install-MicrosoftDataToolsMSBuild -WorkingFolder $WWI
Invoke-MsBuildSSDT -DatabaseSolutionFilePath $WWI_SLN -DataToolsFilePath $WWI_DAC
if ($lastexitcode -ne 0){
Use Publish-DatabaseDeployment, passing in the location to the dac dll, the location of the dac dll, the publish file and the dacpac.
As of version 2, there are four new options on the function -
- -GenerateDeploymentScript - boolean - determines whether Deployment Script is generated.
- -GenerateDeployMentReport - boolean - determines whether Deployment Report is generated.
- -ScriptPath - string - folder path where the scriptsa re goingto be created.
- -ScriptOnly (optional, see How To Only Script Changes Instaead of Deploying? for more info)
$WWI = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "wwi-dw-ssdt"
$WWI_DAC = Join-Path $WWI "\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Msbuild\lib\net46"
$WWI_DACFX = Join-Path $WWI_DAC "\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.dll"
$WWI_DACPAC = Join-Path $WWI "\bin\Debug\WideWorldImportersDW.dacpac"
$WWI_PUB = Join-Path $WWI "\bin\Debug\WideWorldImportersDW.publish.xml"
Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $false -GenerateDeployMentReport $false -ScriptPath $WWI #-getSqlCmdVars
Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $true -GenerateDeployMentReport $false -ScriptPath $WWI #-getSqlCmdVars
Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $false -GenerateDeployMentReport $true -ScriptPath $WWI #-getSqlCmdVars
Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $true -GenerateDeployMentReport $true -ScriptPath $WWI #-getSqlCmdVars
#script only
Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $true -GenerateDeployMentReport $false -ScriptPath $WWI -ScriptOnly #-getSqlCmdVars
Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $false -GenerateDeployMentReport $true -ScriptPath $WWI -ScriptOnly #-getSqlCmdVars
Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $true -GenerateDeployMentReport $true -ScriptPath $WWI -ScriptOnly #-getSqlCmdVars
Above example again sets the location of the source folder and creates the relative paths.
Install the latest version of DacFx by using Install-MicrosoftSqlServerDacFxx64
; currently this Nuget package is updated more regularly than the MSBuild one mentione above. For example., as of December 2018, you will need the DacFx NuGet package to deploy to a Managed Instance. This function is practically identical to the MSBuild one mentioned above.
Example 1) Download latest NuGet package to PSScriptRoot
$workingFolder = $PSScriptRoot
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $WorkingFolder
$dacX64 = Join-Path $WorkingFolder "\Microsoft.SqlServer.DacFx.x64\lib\net46"
if ((Test-Path $dacX64) -eq $false) {
Install-MicrosoftDataToolsMSBuild -WorkingFolder $workingFolder
if ((Test-Path $dacX64) -eq $false) {
Write-Output "Oh! It looks like dacX64 did not download."
If you have SqlCmdVariables that need updating, you can do this by including the 'getSqlCmdVars' switch when executing the Publish-DatabaseDeployment Function.
By adding this swtich the function Get-SqlCmdVars is executed. This will attempt to resolve SQLCmd variables via matching powershell variables explicitly defined in the current context.
So in the publish.xml file there is a SqlCmdVariable called "DeployTag" with a value of "OldValue". If I want to overwrite this then you will need a PowerShell variable $DeployTag
with a new value. if a variable is not found with this value then it will fail if the Switch FailOnMissingVars
is included. If there are any missing vars and this switch is not included it will simply write an info message and move on. My post on my blog shows how to Update XML With PowerShell With Elements.
$DeployTag = "NewValue"
Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME #-getSqlCmdVars
If you are using a script to import the module and execute the deployment using something like VSTS you may need to set the variables with the values to update the SQLCMDVars in the publish xml. The below script sets the parameters to global
param (
\s[parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $WorkingFolder,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $serverName,
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $sqlAdministratorLogin,
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $sqlAdministratorLoginPassword,
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $connectionString,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $DatabaseName,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $DacpacPath,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $PublishProfile,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $getSqlCmdVars,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $deploytag
Set-Variable -Name "deploytag" -Value $deploytag -Scope Global
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('connectionString') -eq $false) {
[string] $connectionString = "Server=tcp:$($serverName),1433;Initial Catalog=$($DatabaseName);Persist Security Info=False;User ID=$($sqlAdministratorLogin);Password=$($sqlAdministratorLoginPassword);MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;"
try {
Find-Module -Name "PoshSSDTBuildDeploy"
catch {
Write-Host "No PoshSSDTBuildDeploy, Installing from PSGallery."
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module PoshSSDTBuildDeploy -Force -Scope CurrentUser
finally {
Write-Host "Importing PoshSSDTBuildDeploy."
Import-Module PoshSSDTBuildDeploy -Force
$dacFxFolder = Install-MicrosoftDataToolsMSBuild -WorkingFolder $WorkingFolder
$dacFX = Join-Path -Path $dacFxFolder -ChildPath "\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.dll"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$WorkingFolder\deployScripts"
$PublishParams = @{
dacfxPath = $dacFX
dacpac = (Resolve-Path $DacpacPath)
publishXml = (Resolve-Path $PublishProfile)
targetConnectionString = $connectionString
targetDatabaseName = $databaseName
scriptPath = $WorkingFolder
GenerateDeploymentReport = $true
GenerateDeploymentScript = $true
if ($UserName) {
$PublishParams.Add("SqlCredential", (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($UserName, $Password)))
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('getSqlCmdVars') -eq $true) {
$PublishParams.Add("GetSqlCmdVars", $true)
Publish-DatabaseDeployment @PublishParams
Use the -ScriptOnly
Flag on Publish-DatabaseDeployment. For this to work either -GenerateDeployMentReport
or -GenerateDeploymentScript
must be set to $true
as well as -ScriptPath
If the GenerateDeployMentReport Switch is included, you can make use of this report to get a better understanding as to what was deployed. By using the GenerateDeploymentSummary
flag, the Publish function will run Get-OperationSummary
and Get-OperationTotal
functions and output the changes to the console in the form of pscustomobjects. It is now easier to determine what changes are going to be made. IE in the case below we are creating and dropping a few objects -
I have expereinced errors in running these functions on databases with very large number a of changes. Note that if this step fails yet all schema changes were the deploymentto the database should still considered to be successful.