
Python script to automatically download metadata about research papers, starting with some paper and transitively downloading the most relevant papers, from ACM digital library.

Primary LanguageTeX

ACM Keyword Collector

Python script to automatically collect keywords from research papers, from ACM digital library. This tool is built on top of acmdownload


This tool issues many post request to ACM Digital Library; at some point the dl.acm.org site will notice this and temporarily block your IP.

Package dependence:

  • BibtexParser
  • pandas

Installing and running:

  • Download and install the latest release of Python 3.
  • Download bibtex from dblp with the corresponding year and conference name and save it in conferences/{CONFERENCE}/{CONFERENCE}{YEAR}.bib, e.g. conferences/cvpr/cvpr2021.bib
  • Install all dependent packages.

Run using the command line: python3 bibparser.py -p [list of conferences] -y [list of years]

Searching keyword of a paper

The query engine will read doi(s) from the bib file given in conferences/{CONFERENCE}/{CONFERENCE}{YEAR}.bib file and query its full bibtex from dl.acm.org. Then it count the number of papers that have the target word(s) in either keyword or abstract section, and print it in pandas string format.

Add more conferences

If you would like to check the statistics from other conferences wihtout risking your IP being blocked, here is the steps you can follow:

  • Create a new directory under the conferences directory with the conference name, e.g. mkdir -p conferences/myconf.
  • Download the .bib file from the corresponding proceedings of ACM, IEEE, USENIX or other publishers, rename your .bib file under the format {CONFERENCE_NAME}{YEAR}, e.g. myconf2021.bib.
  • Run the scripts with command pyhthon3 bibparser.py -p myconf -y 2021.